Youngest gardening blogger
16.7 years ago Uncategorized
Well not 100% sure there is not a younger garden blogger out there but at the ripe age of 6 pretty sure Megan is in close competition. You can check out “Megan’s Garden” at Now I must warn you that this blog is written by a 6 year old that does not use a spell checker so if you may need to read phonetically which can be a fun challenge to see garden blogging from a child’s perspective.
If you have any serious issues translating feel free to post in the comments and I can translate.
16.7 years ago
How cute is that! I could make it out after a couple of tries. 🙂
16.7 years ago
How wonderful that she has such an interest in gardening at such a young age, and that she is able to communicate it also. I left a message for her. 🙂
16.7 years ago
That is cute! Took me some time (not being an english speaking person didn’t hel I guess) but I could understand it all but one word (nowae in the “Me” post).
16.7 years ago
Oh, my gosh. I love it. Good for her!
16.7 years ago
What a great project! My son was just asking me if he could have a blog…
16.7 years ago
What scared me was I understood it the first time out8-O
16.7 years ago
Glad you all were able to decipher the posts. I must say she was very excited to see comments and posts on her blog as well as looking at her SiteMeter stats.I asked her about the “nowae” word, she wasn’t sure what it said either.
16.2 years ago
I’ll have my daughters check it out as well. Maybe they will want to make their own. what a great idea.