Winner of $100 Gift Certificate from Home Depot
15.9 years ago contest, free, Home Depot
There were so many great entries I couldn’t just pick one and with no budget to select multiple I settled using
And the winner is lucky number commenter 33…Chandra. Please send us a email using the “Contact” link at the top of the page within 72 hours otherwise I will select another random commenter.
We have partnered with The Home Depot Garden Club to offer a $100 Home Depot Gift certificate to a lucky reader.
To enter the contest is simple, just respond with a comment on how you would spend $100 at Home Depot with a home/gardening project and we will pick our favorite and send you out a gift certificate.
If you don’t have any ideas, here are some things I would do with the money (unfortunately I am not eligible) that may would help:
- Create a nice cold frame to extend my growing season
- Add drip irrigation to my garden which I neglect to water
- Install a rain barrel (they have complete kits there)
- New and improved grow box
- Shelves and lighting for seedlings next season
- Summer vegetable plants (peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc) for those I was a little too ambitious with earlier this season.
None of these sound good to you? Feel free to check out some of the DIY Projects at The Home Depot Garden Club or many of their content and tools on their site.
Entry Deadline: 5/21/09 12:00 PM (Pacific)
Tags: garden seeds, growbox, led, outdoor plants, pepper plants, tomato plants, vegetables
15.9 years ago
Oh I’d get a bunch of tomato cages, and maybe an automatic weeder, if they make those yet. Haha.
15.9 years ago
I would have my hubby build me a garden box where I could grow our peppers and tomatoes for the best salsa in the world, and I would buy a “gardening for Dummies” book, cuz I need it!!
15.9 years ago
I am completely redoing the front yard landscaping and this money would come in usefull.
15.9 years ago
Brian has promised to build me another garden box. I would invite the whole neighborhood over to watch (cheap entertainment) and buy the supplies that he would need with the gift card. Of course, we’d have a BBQ as well. Then with the left over money (HAHA) we would fence the existing garden to keep out the neighborhood pests!
15.9 years ago
I would build a raised bed with screen on the bottom to keep out the ground squirrels. Then fill it with dirt and plant tons of garlic, onions and other root crops that the squirrels always steal from me. Or maybe one of those hydroponic gardening things to grow salads in… Oh the possibilities!
15.9 years ago
I’ve been telling my kids we are going to build a little veggie garden in our backyard so I’d use to get a garden box, plants, and tools…because we own zero gardening tools!
15.9 years ago
My 7-year old son and I have decided to start our first vegetable garden this year. We have set a budget for $150 for our first season(it will be small but special) So far we have a few pots, one bag of soil, a tomato plant and a rosemary plant. With the $100 gift certificate we would be able to build a cedar garden box. I have heard that garden boxes are great ways to grow vegetable gardens. It has always been a dream of mine to have a vegetable garden I can spend my weekend days loving and my weekend nights eating. This gift certificate would really help us realize that dream!
15.9 years ago
I would build a fence around my garden to keep the deer from eating everything I have planted. Last year I had deer camping out by the garden and eating everything down to the ground.
15.9 years ago
I’d finally bite the bullet and expand the garden in the front yard. Since it needs to be terraced, the $100 gift card would go towards lumber and rebar. Oh, and renting a Ditch Witch, because trenching for terracing is HARD!
15.9 years ago
We would use the gift card to help the kids build hoop houses over the Dirt to Dinner garden bins to carry the garden into the Fall and Winter with succession plantings from the seeds the kids are starting themselves. They would *love* to be able to garden year-round!Thanks for considering us.
15.9 years ago
We just moved into my parents house and they have all of these huge planters surrounding there house that are full of weeds and dirt. I would use the gift card to buy flowers, plants, herbs, etc. to make the outside look beautiful!
15.9 years ago
My boyfriend and I would use the money to jumpstart our rain garden project. We’ve been in our first house together a little over 3 weeks and have a problem with street runoff in our very small yard. Building the rain garden would help us mitigate the pooling in the front yard and hopefully create a drier place for some garden-integrated landscaping!
15.9 years ago
Fun! Well, I actually used the budget for painting our hallway on the garden (priorities!), so could I use this to buy paint for my hallway? ;P I actually want to build another growbox to try root crops and I’d love to expand my system for starting veggies for next season. :)As always, loving the blog! Thanks for this great giveaway!
15.9 years ago
ooooh, and maybe we could use the money towards a backyard compost bin too; I see home depot has one that could keep the raccoons out!
15.9 years ago
I’ll buy the blocks to stackto make the beds I lackIf there’s money stillI’ll buy the soil to fillWhen the seeds grow tallI’ll harvest it allAnd we’ll enjoy a homegrown meal !
15.9 years ago
OH BOY!! I would plant some trees in our yard at our new house-because it doesn’t have much landscaping. We could also use anything that may be left over to plant a small garden for my kids! What fun we could have spending time as a family!
15.9 years ago
I would make a raised flower bed in the front yard with retianer wall bricks, and I would order a load of compost to be dumped in my front yard and buy a wheelbarrow to haul it to the boxes in the back!
15.9 years ago
I would definitely have to build myself a little garden box. Ok maybe a big garden box. Then I would “get” to start my garden
15.9 years ago
I’d buy shelves and lights for seedlings next year. If I had any money left, I’d spend it on some stepping stones so I could avoid packing down the soil in my garden path.
15.9 years ago
Last year, my 3 kids helped me get rid of the “ugly bushes” in front of the house-we even dug up the stumps! Aside from a handful of bulbs that we planted, we have a very plain, empty front lawn that is screaming for an Eastern Redbud and some more flowers! We’d use the money to make the front yard beautiful. Thanks!
15.9 years ago
I would make a portable pen seperate from my chicken coop that will go over one raised bed at the a time, that will enabe my chickens to scratch and prepare my raised beds. I prepare my raised beds in the late fall and winter with all the leaves and green material I collect throughout the year and having the chickens work each bed will be the most efficient way to operate in my small urban homestead. The rest of the money I would help buy seeds and materials that are needed for a local community garden established by and for the homeless.
15.9 years ago
$100?Well I’d buy 8 bags of miracle grow potting mix @ $8.50 each. Then I’d buy some of their pregrown vegetable plants with the rest of the money. I’d build some self watering containers and go to town with it.I bet I could make a whole lot of tomatoes with 8 self watering containers. Supposedly you’re supposed to be able to make 50 pounds from each one. I’d grow some peppers too cause I don’t know what I’d do with 400 pounds of tomatoes.
15.9 years ago
I would give it to my best friend, so she could get the materials she needs to build her chicken coop
15.9 years ago
I would buy items to make a seed starting kit/mini greenhouse so I can start my own seeds indoors in the spring instead of buying transplants.
15.9 years ago
I would replace some of the bushes and plants that did not survive our cold winter. Oh, and add some pretty flowers too:)
15.9 years ago
My husband got laid off from work 3 months ago. I had to scale back a lot of my garden projects, but the one I’m most sad about is refreshing/expanding our front foundation bed. If I won the gift certificate, I would use the money to buy new wood edging for the bed and soil amendments (compost, manure) for the dirt. If I had anything left after that, I’d buy a lavender bush. I have seeds for the other plants I plan to put there (an artichoke, many flowers, thyme, and miner’s lettuce), but a lavender bush would be just the thing to anchor it all.
15.9 years ago
I’d totally go for the shelves and lights – this year’s seedlings are clustered on the kitchen counter, propped up on vases to get them closer to the under-cupboard light. I’d put some towards a new barbeque, too. 🙂
15.9 years ago
I am starting from scratch – I have been saving produce trays and nabbing discarded plastic pots. I have one windowsill and about 3 sq feet of outside space for pots. I need soil, a trowel, plants or seeds, a watering can or mister, and other basics!
15.9 years ago
I’d use it to finish off the privacy fence so the whole backyard could be fenced in 🙂
15.9 years ago
I would use it to replace the broken glass panes on the greenhouse to help my summer plants get a better start, and also build two composting bins.
15.9 years ago
I would buy some bushes for landscaping around my house.
15.9 years ago
I’d buy materials for garden boxes to install in our student living community so our 37 residents can try their hands at growing their own food.
15.9 years ago
I would use the money to build some more self watering containers to put in my yard. I built two so far this year.( If you are handicapped, they are really easy to tend to from a wheelchair I discovered!) I also want to plant a bay bush and dwarf fruit trees. I might use it to build a duck tractor as well. We bought our first home and I plan to rip up the yard as money allows and grow as much food as possible! Food not Lawn!
15.9 years ago
Several years ago we replaced our windows and kept some of the old windows to use to make a grow box/green house. The windows are still tucked behind some bushes. I would use the money for treated lumbar to complete this project. Since I too am latitudinally challenged this would help get a better start on my garden in the spring and get my husbands vegetable starter trays out of my kitchen window. Thanks!
15.9 years ago
I just got a shed last week as a graduation gift, so I would use part of it for materials to put down a foundation for that. (A few 2×6’s, some plywood, etc.)The rest would be used making rain gutter garden boxes (as featured on New World Geek) to put around the edge of my deck so I can plant a plethora of mint, lemongrass, rosemary, garlic and other mosquito repelling plants.If I budget right, I’ll have enough left over on the gift card for a nice cold drink to enjoy on my newly-insect-repellent porch while I relax after a busy day of home projects.
15.9 years ago
I would use the money to buy some good quality tools and dirt to help with the community garden-type idea my church is starting.
15.9 years ago
I’d build a solar powered fountain/bird bath! Just need a solar pump, some concrete mix and rebar. Either that or I would buy $100 in plants. I’m just starting from dirt in my new garden. Seeds and small plants are starting to come up, but it would be wonderful to help spur it along further.
15.9 years ago
My daughter and I just started our first garden with zucchini, tomatoes and cilantro! I would buy a drip irrigation system to help us when we forget to hand water and more seeds (probably watermelon, corn and beans!) so I can teach her where our food comes from!
15.9 years ago
We just moved into a house where the previous owners had absolutely no plan for their yard–there are plants all over and it makes no sense, weeds bigger than my wrist…not quite that big, but close. I would buy some new perennials to give the yard some color, and I’d buy some yummy veggie plants…peppers, tomatoes, squash. Can you grow tomatillos in Indiana? If you can, I’d do that too!
15.9 years ago
I’d start my first-ever garden at my apartment! I’ve been itching to start growing my own vegetables to help cut down on my grocery costs since a large portion of my grocery bill comes from veggies. As a full-time college student and working part-time in retail, I tend to be broke and would love to have fresh vegetables on hand rather than rummaging through my freezer for my stash of frozen ones. 🙂
15.9 years ago
I was going to give you this sob, but true, story of how the house’s yard that I’m residing at in Galveston, TX was ruined by hurricane IKE, but I won’t. 🙂 Instead I will just tell you that I would use the money to put some much needed flowers in my first yard ever! I would LOVE to edge my lawn, along with replace the dirt in my flower beds, because trust me, it needs it. IT was under 4 feet of sea water and that can not be healthy. That’s all. Thanks!!
15.9 years ago
I am starting from scratch so I would clean up a nice area to build a garden box and try my thumb with some veggies, fruits and herbs. That would be yummy to have fresh right at my finger tips.
15.9 years ago
Ladybugs, definitely. Seeds, potting soil, some good lava sand or the equivalent, seaweed/fish emulsion (if they have it?), definitely some white clover for turning under in the beds I’ve started to create. I’d pick up some cheap trash cans to convert into more composter container dealies… Maybe a non-plastic rectangular planter for the funny space by the front door……. or, as much as it would hurt me to spend money on stupid pavers, I’m fascinated by this spiral design for herbs/flowers for the neglected-for-ten-years yard at my beau’s (and now also my) place:'d prolly have to wait for a killer sale, but how cool is that design?!Or, I’d friggin donate it to charity… something like Puppies Behind Bars or the Humane Society. Stupid friggin conscience. 😀
15.9 years ago
I would add one more raised bed and some container planters. Thanks for the giveaway!
15.9 years ago
I about to begin my first community garden adventure! However, I don’t even have a pair of gloves to get started! I need buy everything (from seeds to a garden hose). I also am planning on building at least two raised beds and need to buy the wood and a few basic tools. The Home Depot Gift Certificate would go a long way to get me started!!!
15.9 years ago
We started a vegetable garden in December. Living in Zone 9 allows for this. We would love to build a movable tall garden cover that we could attach plastic to so when it does go down to the 40’s we could keep all the vegeatble warmer. We would need to purchase PVC Pipes, Couplers and roll plasltic.
15.9 years ago
I would build a butterfly garden in a mostly empty (because we never seem to have the extra cash!) triangular-shaped garden bed in my front yard. I’ve been planning out exactly what it would have–from host and nectar plants to a tiny pond with a butterfly house. It would be the perfect summer project for my kids and I to work on together.
15.9 years ago
First of all, I’d have my hubby build me a great multi-tiered worm bin out of purchased materials. I’ve been dying to get worms (for the garden and vermicomposting, that is, ha, ha,ha). I’ve expanded my garden, so I would venture on building a small greenhouse next. Can you say PVC and cheap??!! We built hoop houses and they were inexpensive and have extended my gardening season tremendously! A $100 gift certificate can certainly go very far!!!!
15.9 years ago
Window sill herb garden for my apartment and a couple of those wire hanging baskets with the fiber mat liners for upside down tomatoes out of the bottom and greens on top.
15.9 years ago
I’ve recently bought my first home (townhome) and I would either buy a screen door because I don’t want to use the air conditioner (eco reasons) or buy some non-VOC paint and get rid of the fish gut color paint in my hallways. 🙂
15.9 years ago
I’d get some new garden tools
15.9 years ago
I just started vegetable gardening last year, and since I took a big interest, my boyfriend’s parents kindly designed and built four beautiful planting beds for me. Now they’re helping me fill them up with plants – anything my heart desires…as long as I eventually use the fruit to cook for them. 🙂 I’ve been raising some plants on my own indoors, but this year we’ve had to buy more than I grew, since my indoor set-up isn’t ideal…I would use the money to create a proper indoor grow box, buy some mulch and jalapenos for the planting beds. I’d probably get some flowers too and experiment with companion planting!
15.9 years ago
It sounds silly, but I’d spend a hundred bucks on mulch and compost. I have some seriously unfertile soil in my front yard (which I’m turning into a veggie garden, because it’s not like we ever used the lawn for anything) and some horrible weedy areas I’d like to mulch and start over.
15.9 years ago
I would buy things I would need to set up an indoor vegetable garden; plant lights, containers, seeds, etc… because I rent a home and cannot start one outside.
15.9 years ago
Atlanta is know for it’s long, hot, dry summers. We collect our rain and condensation from the a/c in 5 gallon buckets so we can water our veggies. With $100 gift certificate I’d buy a rain barrel, so I could collect and use my rain water more efficiently.
15.9 years ago
last year was the first year i changed my urban veggie garden from inground to raised beds – with supplies from the home depot. my neighbours love it because i shared my bounty with many of the eldery in the neighbourhood who cannot garden themselves. if i had an extra $100 to spend the yard would shrink for more raised beds, which means 1. timber, brackets & manure/humus to fill in the beds to grow more to share more2. pvc pipe for my floating row covers3. home depot is the ONLY place that sells my sun sugar tomatoes.
15.9 years ago
Last year I planted veggies in a spot where my landlord ripped out Birds of Paradise and my “victory garden” became a full-on addiction. I have been reading up on raised beds, so I would definitely use the gift card to buy materials for a raised bed for next season.
15.9 years ago
This was the first year I have had a garden. I got brave and started all my veggies and flowers by seed. I have learned that my little seedlings would benefit from a grow light. I also know that when we’re out of town, we’ll need a timer to water the garden for us. If I was to win the Home Depot gift card, these would be the items I’d purchase. Thank you!
15.9 years ago
We’re aching for a mow strip in our yard. Our antique reel mower really scalps the grass on the edges when one wheel falls into the beds. Come to think of it, maybe a new lawnmower would be nice, too.
15.9 years ago
shawn rocks!!! we love the verralls!! and home depot too…
15.9 years ago
It would be hard to stop myself at $100… top of the list for my garden would be supplies for trellises, a cold frame, and row covers. Then there’s all the home improvement projects I have in mind…
15.9 years ago
I would use it to start a square foot garden and show my son the importance of plants for us and why we should care for them and in return they will give us food.
15.9 years ago
I would love to set up a rain barrel, and it’s looking like I’ll have to buy some summer plants as well…. as cold and rainy as it’s been here, we can’t really get anything in the ground yet.Unrelated to gardening but I would also love to replace our clothesline.Great contest 🙂
15.9 years ago
I would like to be able to get some wood to make some raised beds. My goal is to be able to put in a vegetable garden for my family. With the economy we have had to cut cost so this would greatly help with the grocery bill. As well as being more green and healthy.
15.9 years ago
My 2 yr. old son and I would use the money to build a vegetable/fruit/herb garden. He loves blueberries, which tend to be really expensive to buy regularly bc I am a single mother.
15.9 years ago
I would use the money to buy supplies for our brand new community garden that opened on Saturday. We need landscape edging, herbs, a fence for a compost pile, a shed for tools, better fencing, signage, etc.
15.9 years ago
I would buy bushes to create a natural fence rather than a big wood fence to hide the neighbors.
15.9 years ago
I am building raised beds to grow veggies in and I am planning to enclose some of them with plastic tunnels for the winter, so the gift card would help with that.
15.9 years ago
We just learned our well water is very acidic. It’s leaching copper out of our pipes and corroding all the plumbing fixtures. Right now, we’re saving up for a water neutralizer to make the water less acidic ($600!! **faint**) and expect to have this installed by August. So… if I had $100 gift certificate from HD, I’d have to do something very unromantic and buy new plumbing fixtures. (Not that I wouldn’t rather buy a bunch of fruit trees!!!)Awesome blog, btw! I just stumbled upon this today! ~Cassandra
15.9 years ago
I would build a new box for growing potatoes and fill it with dirt. I have really started growing more vegetables this year than the past. I am in need for bamboo sticks and tomato cages.
15.9 years ago
If I won I would buy more lumber to make two more raised garden beds. Of course, then I would need more soil, more plants and a wheelbarrow. A wheelbarrow would make my life so much easier so maybe I’ll get that first.
15.9 years ago
Hmmm.. Really the it could be spent in so many ways. We are ripping out the wild honeysuckle and other weeds from our side fence line (it keeps trying to eat the kids). I have a long list of plants that I want to create a screen with. It would be nice to be able buy more or bigger trees and bushes. Not quite as exciting I need to fix one of our downspouts drainage it is washing out the side yard! Thanks for sucha great giveaway I love your blog!
15.9 years ago
I would use it towards purchasing plants and a birdbath and bench for a little area dedicated to true love. I met him when I was 12 and last saw him when I was 14, that was in 1971. We lost touch for almost 30 years.I found him again a few years back after searching for a long time. We are married now and living in a little house we built ourselves. Just our 4 hands have touched this place out in the woods. Did all the work ourselves, we both always wanted to live close to nature.So a little place outside to sit on a nice bench and smell the roses, watch the birds and hold hands would be nice.
15.8 years ago
This is year 1 of our garden and when we set it up, we never added a irrigation system making us water everything by hand. Not a bad thing but we kept adding onto the garden so what used to take 5 minutes is now taking us 30 minutes each watering. If we had any money left, we’ll put it towards a rain barrel or a bigger compost bin.
15.7 years ago
I would use it to get more supplies for our school garden since I'm the only person buying plants and stuff. It is a big garden and it gets