WetCircuits water resistant power strip giveaway
14 years ago free, giveaway, indoor growbox, wet circuits
I previously reviewed the WetCircuits water resistant power strip and risked death by electrocution to prove the products worth. In acknowledgement of my valiant bravery they have agreed to provide another power strip for me to giveaway to the great readers of CheapVegetableGardener.com
If you haven’t heard of the WetCircuits power strip it built to be shock resistant so pouring water on it, pushing tweezers into the outlets will not shock you. This may seem like a pointless feature but if you have ever spilled coffee (or dumped a watering can of water) on an outlet you will appreciate these features greatly. Now I must say it is much more entertaining to see this in action so check out the video from WetCircuits.
If you think their video was done with camera angles and expensive video editing, here is my own independent recreation of one of their experiments.
So if you are in the continental United States, just enter a comment below and I will pick a winner at random on 04/23/2011 Midnight PST.
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- 1. Add a comment to this post
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- 4. Mention this giveaway on your site/Twitter (add an additional comment to the post)
14 years ago
What a great invention. Thanks for posting.
14 years ago
I would make use of this if I won it.
14 years ago
I would love to win this, I could sooo use it!
14 years ago
I would love to use one of these in my seed starting area.
14 years ago
Interesting product. Thanks for testing it out first! LOL
14 years ago
I like you on facebook
14 years ago
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14 years ago
Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/armsofasister/status/56701000039411712
14 years ago
I love your site, this looks like a nice product!
14 years ago
Clutsy me (always spilling things) would love this!
14 years ago
I like the test you did on the strip. It looks like a super useful invention!
14 years ago
I so need like, 4 of these! thanks for the chance to win one.
14 years ago
I’m still not entirely happy with the idea. It makes electricity and water look like a good thing, when it is in fact a lethal danger (broken cable, hole in the casing). I can’t think of a situation, where you would want water and electricity in the same place and can only hope people will use this device consciously, e.g. tell their kids that it is just this one make, but usually avoid water with electricity like the plague. Just imagine a kid playing with those and then try at a neighbors!
14 years ago
This would be great in the greenhouse!
14 years ago
This is genius!
14 years ago
What a great idea! I’d love to have one of these.
14 years ago
I’m kind of with Ragnar on this one. I can see the utility of the device and can think of places where I’d have a use for it, but I also worry about making electricity seem less dangerous than it is.
14 years ago
I would love to win one of these! Thanks for the review of this product.
14 years ago
I liked The Cheap Vegetable Gardener on Facebook.
14 years ago
I liked this contest giveaway on facebook.
14 years ago
Oh, I need one of those! My 4-yr-old likes to water my flats when I’m not looking….. 😛
14 years ago
Liked your site on FB!
14 years ago
Liked the giveaway on FB!
14 years ago
This is so awesome!
14 years ago
oh, that’s so many times less disturbing than the bare wires from a mains box shoved into one of the outlets on a powerstrip to power the others. i’d be all about that on the potting bench.
14 years ago
What a wonderful invention!
14 years ago
What a great invention. Thanks for the giveaway.
13.9 years ago
[…] winner of the WetCircuits powerstrip giveaway is Journey11. For the rest of you stay tuned this growing season since I am always on the […]
13.6 years ago
What a great safety feature. This would be great for tools and kids alike.
13.3 years ago
I think it is not a good invention as we are trying to save electricity and water both and it uses both. If it uses renewable resource then it will be beneficial.
12.9 years ago
This is something very dangerous in my opinion. The water and an electric circuit is never a good and safe combination. People should be very very careful in this regards. By the way on the other I would say that you have done something brave but still people should refrain from doing anything like this.