We have zucchini
11.8 years ago zucchini
This is definitely very early for zucchini for this part of the country but I am not complaining. We just need a couple more to make zucchini bread (wife and kids favorite use) but for now I will be making zucchini noodles with this one
The great/bad thing about zucchini is once it gets rolling you can easily be overrun with produce and your neighbors start closing your blinds when you come up to the door with armfuls to attempt to get rid of 🙂
11.8 years ago
I think there should be a law that only one person per block gets to grow this very prolific veggie. Too bad we can’t grow beef this way…
11.8 years ago
Well last year I think I only got a couple zucchinis…cold spring/summer and probably starting the plants from seeds a bit late didn’t help though.
11.8 years ago
If too much zucchini is a problem, I have some squash vine borers I can send you. Takes care of the problem very quickly.