Using GrowVeg to discover new vegetables to grow
13.1 years ago gardening software, growveg, indoor seed starting
It seems like every year there is something I decide I want to grow in my garden only to discover I am a couple months late to get started. In the past season this was brussel sprouts, I had grand visions of growing them this winter only to discover I should have started the seeds back in March…
I got a great idea when I was planning this years garden in GrowVeg where I simply created a plot and just dropped in each vegetable that I typically eat and enjoy regardless is I have grown them in the past or plan to in the future.
This way when the time comes when I should be planting these I will see this on the chart I printed out and get a reminder email in my mailbox from GrowVeg I can make this impulse decision to get seeds and start these plants at a time where I can still be successful.
Just by doing this exercise I have decided to consider fennel, Jerusalem artichoke, parsnips, and sweet potatoes. Sure many of these may result in utter failures in my cold damp area but at least I can make sure I can start at the right time to give them a fighting chance.
13.1 years ago
Was just wondering what growing zone you’re in?
13.1 years ago
Thanks for posting this, I was looking for something to help me keep track of which plants I was growing, what time of year to plant them etc., the garden layout tool is just an amazing added bonus.
13 years ago
does this affect other plants like air plants or bonsai?