Tomato thief in the garden
Given our 7 foot fence around the yard, have to rule out deer…my best guess is a raccoon scaling the fence for a snack.
Probably the same one who decided that my first tomato looked too good to ripen to save for seeds and pulled the branch off. It was nice enough to leave the green ones on the fine which I have hung up on my garage where they are turning orange last time I checked them.
Tags: tomato
14.6 years ago
Magpies had a go at my first tomatoes. I don’t mind sharing a bit with them, but they were sampling every one that ripened. Fortunately, they seemed to lose the taste, they haven’t been back for any for a while.
At least magpies only peck a hole, leaving most of the fruit for me. Your racoon seems to have really appreciated yours! Good luck keeping them away from the rest of your harvest.
14.6 years ago
I hope you planned for losses to the wild life 😀
14.6 years ago
Do you have squirrels in the area? A few weeks ago I watched one sitting on my fence enjoying one of my Roma tomatoes.
14.6 years ago
aw sorry you lost a tomato 🙁
14.6 years ago
Argh! That stinks! We had a thief steal our eggplant. Argh!
14.6 years ago
Actually, I now look towards my dog Buddy who steals veggies from my garden!
14.6 years ago
Ragnar, I always do. The wildlife was here long before me so they should get their share.
Kemlyn, we should but don’t see too many of them in our postage stamp neighborhood.
14.6 years ago
Until this year I didn’t know that chipmunks like tomatoes, but for about 3 weeks I watched them every morning, sitting on the garden wall and eating cherry tomatoes. My cherries have been prolific this year (unlike the rest of the garden) and it was pretty good breakfast entertainment. They never took them until they were ripe–maybe they have a sweet tooth!
14.2 years ago
RATS! no literally. I can not get rig of them. They eat everything especially tomatoes black eyed peas and ground cherrys. They get wise to all the traps. I also have a dog that loves peppers.
13.9 years ago
[…] In the past I have had a few critters scale or crawl under my fence to snack on my tomatoes. Without knowing what is going after my crops it is difficult to figure out how to attempt to prevent these attacks. When Swann approached me to review their OutbackCam I decided this would be the perfect tool to answer this question. […]
13.6 years ago
[…] is not the first time visitors have stolen tomatoes from my garden, but this year the mystery pest has gotten every ripe tomato I have grown this year. Now I […]