Tomato seedlings in the PC Grow Box
17 years ago indoor growbox, tomato
The strawberry plant got too big for the PC grow box so I planted it back outside where it is doing great. Now my tomato plants have more room to grow and have to compete less for the limited light. I have been impressed with my tomato plants in the grow box. I think this is the first year I have grown tomatoes that were not all white and leggy. One the cherry tomato (Sweetie) plants already grew enough my daughter and I had to transplant it to a large pot we will sit on our front porch that has good southern exposure.
The rest of the tomato plants are growing a little slower but should be perfect to move outside after our last frost which in my area is March 22nd.
Tags: cheap, garden seeds, growbox, outdoor plants, strawberry plants, tomato plants, vegetables
17 years ago
That’s awesome! With southern exposure and a sun lamp I’ve created almost the same thing in one section of my living room.Where can I look up the last frost in my area? (Northeast Mass.)
17 years ago
You can double check here but looks like yours is around 4/27 so still have plenty of time to start seedlings.
17 years ago
You are so lucky having your last frost so soon! We are having snow here this weekend. I love your blog! will be back soon!
17 years ago
Well we still had frost the day after our last frost date hopefully we will continue to have weather like we did yesterday so I can get my plants out of my PC grow box which really look like they need so real lumens from the sun.