Still no tomatoes…
14.7 years ago tomato
Lots of blossoms, still waiting for that first fruit, hopefully our warmer weather coming this week helps out…
Tags: tomato
14.7 years ago tomato
Lots of blossoms, still waiting for that first fruit, hopefully our warmer weather coming this week helps out…
Tags: tomato
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14.7 years ago
Sorry to hear that you don’t yet have any tomatos, but here in southern France we do! We have strings of many many cherry tomatos, a few of which have turned red, and the official First Tomato Of The Year To Eat ceremony was about a week ago! Best of luck with yours soon!
14.7 years ago
I have the first of my roma tomatoes just starting to show a blush. Weather has been weird/stupid this year.(too wet and not very hot until this past weekend), and we all know tomatoes are heat gluttens.
On a good note, I will be pickling cucumbers this weekend,(I think I planted WAY too many cukes) and may just have the first ripe tomatoe.
14.7 years ago
I’m in southeastern Wisconsin and we also have lots of blossoms but no fruit. I visited family in central Wisconsin and they had a lot of green fruit. I think the difference (other than a garden that’s in 100% full sun) is they started their seeds with lamps, where I only started my seeds near the window. They were only started about a week apart…
14.7 years ago
Hello from Belgium! Not a single tomato embryo here neither, despite plants that look quite vigorous and numerous flowers.
I could have done it entirely wrong, though, because this is my first attempt at gardening. I’ve also put some suckers in seedling pots and see if they want to root – if so, I might hang them upside down using your directions and save some space in the veg patch 😉
Best wishes,
14.7 years ago
No tomatoes down the hill here either, just the blossoms, however I think a few peppers in the greenhouse are finally starting to appear (Cayenne).
Hopefully we will soon see the fruits of our labors.
14.7 years ago
Glad I am not the only one, hope we have a late first freeze…if not might be ripening green tomatoes in the garage this year.
14.7 years ago
woo hoo!.. I got my first ripe tomatoe yesterday( a paste type).. granted it was a small roma, and not a whole lot of taste, but still, its the first of what I hope are many, many more to come.(now if only the other varieties will ripen)
14.7 years ago
Teresia, finally got my first fruit to show up. Hopefully there are more to come shortly.