Something is coming out of my compost bin!!
16.7 years ago compost, tomato
Noticed this plant before thinking it was a weed growing next to my compost bin, but today I noticed it was actually growing out of a small slat in my compost bin. After a little more inspection I realized the distrinct tomato plant look and smell. Guess I was wrong to think those green tomatoes I threw in last fall were too immature to have viable seeds…
Tags: compost, garden seeds, outdoor plants, tomato plants
16.7 years ago
It is always fun to see what grows out of the compost bin. I used some of the soil in a part of the garden and now have a melon plant growing among the flowers 🙂
16.7 years ago
How neat is that? Do you think it will produce any fruit? I really need to start working more on my compost pile if I want some good soil for my veggie garden next year.
16.7 years ago
I will have to be carefule when turing it to not disturb the roots also have to be extra careful about keeping it moist 🙂
16.7 years ago
How fun!We had tons of tomato plants sprouting in our garden from last year.We’re going to let a few grow to see what happens – and whether they are all one variety or not.I think they are but you never know.
16.7 years ago
I am going to let this one go to fruit if it so chooses since I am pretty sure it is from composted tomatoes and not dropped seeds could have something of my own invention.
14.8 years ago
I had the same thing happen. I was shocked to see a big, bushy tomato plant growing next to my compost pile. Mine did fruit, but too late in the year – they were still green when the frost hit.
14.8 years ago
A, mine also fruited around the same time. Probably the plant going into panic mode, “oh crap I was enjoying the nitrogen so much that I forgot to bear fruit this year…”
13.9 years ago
Be careful. I found one in mine too and a friend told me that altough it looks JUST like a tomato plant, it could be a potato plant. The berries that a potato plant eventually produce look like small tomatoes, but are actually called “potato berries” and are poisonous… Google it, it’s true! It probably grew from a piece of potato you put into the compost pile… Then again, could be a tomato plant. But just make sure before you pop one in your mouth! 🙂
13.9 years ago
Jen, it turned out to be a tomato plant and barely produced some fruit right before winter came (too green to eat) Was a good experiment at what happens when you provide too rich of soil to your tomatoes…you get a big plant with almost no fruit 🙂