Slugs eating my garlic
16.8 years ago garlic bulbs, slugs
The word is slugs are supposed to hate garlic, guess no one told this guy. The reality is they do not like the bulb underground apparently the garlic leaves are delicious. Appears that I need to step up my war with the slugs.
Tags: cheap, garlic bulbs, vegetables
16.8 years ago
That is the craziest thing I have ever seen.
16.8 years ago
He must be really hungry.
16.8 years ago
He’s having a great feast! Look at all that slug slime!
16.7 years ago
Give him a little salt for his dinner!
16.7 years ago
Onion leaves too – just picked a couple of hundred off mine tonight – you can even hear the so and so’s munching as the hollow leaves amplify the sound!!!!!!!!!!!
14.7 years ago
Gosh, what a pciture. Cheeky little thing. I agree with the above post- a bit of salt for dinner should help him keep his hunger at bay 🙂
14.7 years ago
Forget about the “don’t like the bulbs under the ground” part! I found a slug on two different bulbs as I was digging them up this evening!
14.7 years ago
fionasfarm, Were they consuming the bulbs or just making a house in the roots?
11.5 years ago
What’s up, I check your blogs like every week. Your story-telling style is awesome, keep up the good work!