Quick winter garden update
13.4 years ago bok choy, broccoli, cold season crops, garlic bulbs, winter garden
The weather is starting to get colder (yesterday woke up to 37F) but still in safe ranges for my winter garden which is doing great. An abundance of Kale and arugula and chard and bok choy are getting pretty close to harvest. Broccoli is taking its time like it should.
I also planted some chives, onions which I started from seeds several week ago. I have also planted a bulb worth of garlic to harvest next summer.
13.4 years ago
That garden looks picture perfect! Yes, all those guys should shrug off anything but really frigid temps. I utilize small cold frames right through the winter months!
13.3 years ago
This can be an ideal garden I had one in our backyard and I normally plant any vegetables like tomatoes, cucumber and I love doing it.
Excellent blog. Your articles are worth reading.
13.3 years ago
I agree your garden looks amazing. The Kale looks amazing and am excited for you to harvest the chard. I love green smoothies made with bok choy and chard. Very delicious.