Picking strawberries and raspberries
12.8 years ago raspberries, strawberries
I like this time of year when I can quit my second job to support my kids strawberry and raspberry habits. At $5-6 for a half pint at some times throughout the year can be a great cost savings to pick these for practically free year after year.
My oldest was previously the biggest consumer but now out youngest (now 16 months) is taking in her share of the berries and has been enjoying the fresh local berries. We actually can not go anywhere without providing her with her strawberry fix. Not sure what we will do in a couple months when we stop producing.
For my area still is a little early for raspberries but the conditions have been working out and have been enjoying these for the past couple weeks as well. I did not actually plant these raspberries they snuck in under my neighbors fence which a little precautionary raspberry control I have let them thrive on my side of the fence as well. I am actually considering to let them spread farther down my fence for even larger yields.
12.7 years ago
My two strawberry beds are now in their second season and they are doing great! Fresh picked strawberries from the backyard taste wonderful.
I just recently (this year) added two raspberry bushes and they are growing nicely, although I won’t expect any fruit until next season.
Can’t wait!