Peppers sprouting in grow box (time lapse)
15.5 years ago indoor growbox, peppers
Well slightly more exciting than watching grass grow but for something that takes several weeks to complete is definitely worth a watch. If you watch carefully you can even see the automatic watering in action.
Joining the sprouts is a mature pepper plant which has been flowering and daisy seedling my 7 year old planted hoping it will flower as well.
Tags: garden seeds, growbox, outdoor plants, pepper plants
15.5 years ago
What kind of camera is that? and what kind of watering system?
15.5 years ago
The camera is LifeCam VX-3000 and I take a series of pictures and then use software to combine them into a video filtering out some based on the degree of difference between them.As for the watering system, it is very simple. Just a water pump with a half inch output tube that bottom feeds the plants which is triggered by my grow box controller.Other than moving a couple plants around the system has been successfully taking care of the plants which other than filling the 5 gallon bucket reservoir once.