Making homemade pumpkin ice cream
14.3 years ago pumpkin, recipe
Looking for some more ways to use up some of my pumpkin puree, I decided to make some pumpkin ice cream. Here is the pumpkin ice cream recipe I used.
Tags: pumpkin
14.3 years ago pumpkin, recipe
Looking for some more ways to use up some of my pumpkin puree, I decided to make some pumpkin ice cream. Here is the pumpkin ice cream recipe I used.
Tags: pumpkin
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14.3 years ago
Mmmmmm yummay 🙂 Actually just bought a half gal of the Thrifty Pumpkin Ice Cream last night
14.3 years ago
This is tasty as well and the good part of making it yourself don’t have to wait until Oct/Nov to eat some 🙂