Make your Garden/Lawn into a gigantic worm bin
16.9 years ago alfalfa pellets, vermicomposting, worms
My soil is consisted of a high percentage of clay, as a result I am required to aerate my lawn twice a year to avoid my soil getting too compacted. I am cheap so I purchased a $10 aerator from Home Depot which I walk around the lawn giving it a nice look of a goose bathroom until the next good rain or mowing. Of course nature has an answer which is the garden earthworm. As a finished limping behind my aerator I thought how can I get more earthworms to do some of this work for me, which brought me to the conclusion to turn my lawn and garden to a gigantic worm bin.
As worms wiggle through the ground they break up the soil and provide pathways for water and air to flow and while they are at it drop their nutrient castings along their way. Now looking at my tips on how to care for a worm bin, the same principles apply to doing the same on a larger scale. Our course my wife and HOA would appreciate me just throwing our kitchen waste out in our front yard so I have to be a little more creative. For organic matter to feed the worms (and the lawn) I will be using alfalfa pellets and grass clippings (mulch) As for moisture, given I live in the Seattle, WA area our frequent rains take care of this until mid summer where short frequent watering will keep the grass and the worms happy. I will avoid chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides using organic options to control weeds and pests and occasional application of alfalfa pellets to fertilize the lawn.
At this time the results look good the lawn looks great and I have definitely seen an increased number of worms in my garden and yard. The birds have also noticed and are taking advantage of my increased population and taking care of some of the excess in my lawn (guess it is better than them eating my seeds planted in the garden)
Just as a warning like everything in life too much of anything is normally not a good idea which can apply to worms as well. Worms can move enough soil and leave piles of castings on the surface which can create a lumpy lawn, which as long as you don’t have a putting green for a lawn this will probably not be unsightly and on the next rain will give some extra nutrients to your soil/lawn. Given the current state of my soil I have quite a while until I am burdened with having too loamy soil and need to be concerned on how to drive the worms away.
Tags: alfalfa pellets, birds, cheap, compost, garden seeds, organic vegetables, outdoor plants, vegetables, worms
16.9 years ago
I like it! What a great sounding plan. I don’t even think my neighbors would notice what I do with my yard. One of the advantages of living out in the sticks! I could use all of the extra help with my sand box that I can get.
16.9 years ago
What are the alfalfa pellets – rabbit food??When I clicked on it in your post, I got a could not find message. I think your link is not working.
16.9 years ago
barbee, sorry fixed the links. Yes regular old alfalfa pellets you get at the feed store. You could also buy the same thing ground into a powsder and sold at the nursery as “alfalfa meal” for 4 times the price bu since I am The Cheap Vegetable Gardener that is not really an option for me.
16.9 years ago
You knoww- I had a neighbor in the mobile home park where I use to live, who made it his objective to kill every worm in existence- because he didn’t like lumpy yards! Worms know they are safe around me! LOL Actually I need some redworms for my compost bin, perhaps contact Seattle Tilth. Of course I also know if I wait long enough they will come
15.2 years ago
Alas, they will also go. Adding organic content to the soil (leaves, clippings, manure) will encourge them to stay.