Ladybug in the grow box
14.5 years ago indoor growbox, jalapeno, ladybugs
One problem with growing plants indoors is you don’t always get the benefits of beneficial insects, but as you can see above it doesn’t always have to be that way. At least one little lady bug snuck into the grow box and seems to have found some snacks on a basil plant.
If anyone is curious I also have one of my jalapeno pepper plants in the grow box with hopes of getting a few more ripe red jalapeno peppers before things get too cold.
14.5 years ago
Aww so helpful to have the little bugs eating your pests! I haven’t had the pleasure of using a grow box in my garden yet, but it looks like a really interesting project – can’t wait to read more of the blog!
14.5 years ago
Ria, welcome glad you are enjoying the blog
12 years ago
My veggie garden is inside the house, in an atrium, area with open ceiling, closed sliding doors. I have a fan and light bulbs to control temperature. I recently added several pepper plants, which unfortunately, came from the store with aphids on them. I didn’t noticed until today when I saw the little suckers! My plan is to introduce a ladybug into my atrium. I’m wondering if that would be a bad idea. I have other plants, cucumbers, eggplant, yellow squash, and zuchinni.
12 years ago
I have heard of a small number of lady bugs released to a large commercial greenhouse completely obliterate a large infestation of aphids on a variety of plants. Releasing them into your atrium will benefit all of your plants growing there, my only concern is the little buggers sneaking into the main part of the house…though if you are just talking about a couple then this might be much of a concern…
12 years ago
Thanks for your prompt reply. I’ll give it a try.