Indoor gardening with 2 liter bottle and USB LED light
12.3 years ago indoor growbox, indoor seed starting, LEDs
I came across this pretty cool Kickstarter from Vegetronix where they are putting together a neat little kit that includes an adjustable 1 watt that can plug into any USB port on your computer. All you need to supply is an old 2 liter bottle and you have a nicely contained growing environment.
Personally, I think this could make an awesome addition to my windowless office and bring a little plant life to my personal space.
If the Vegetronix name sounds familiar, I use their moisture sensors in my grow box which I wrote here.
12.2 years ago
1 watt LED produces max 160 lumens, which is pretty much useless, considering that an average fluorescent bulb you might find in your desk lamp has 10x the output.