How to make Peach Jam
14.6 years ago jam, peach, recipe
While heading to a friend’s house we came across a local fruit stand selling fresh peaches. With the great quality and low prices I couldn’t help leaving with a couple dozen peaches. By the time I made it back to the car, I knew there is no way we were going to eat this many so Maddie (my recently turned 6 year old) and I decided to make the homemade peach jam.
Now the other than Maddies “pinches of love” we simply followed the recipe on the package of Pectin.
- 4 pounds of peaches (or about 8 peaches)
- 1 cup of sugar
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 packet of Ball Fruit Pectin
- 5 pinches of love (each jar)
Now I will share with you a couple of techniques for “cutting up the peaches” I did this by hand because I did not take the time to learn these (yeah I was in a hurry) First which I like the best is cut the peaches in half (remove pit) and then simply use a citrus juicer to get the meat off. This also mashes them up a little for you and safe of kids to help out. If you don’t have a citrus juicer, you can also use the same technique for removing skins off of tomatoes. Boil the peaches for 30-60 seconds then dump them in an ice bath and the skins should slide right off. If they still have trouble try leaving them in for another 30 seconds (given they are probably not completely ripe) and you should have better luck.
Add the peaches, lemon, and pectin into a pot over medium heat stirring constantly as it comes to a full boil. Add sugar then let boil for 1 minute then remove from heat. Fill jars up to 1/4 inch from the top add lids/rings and boil for 5 minutes and you should have yourself some delicious peach jam which is good for about 12 months in your pantry.
The more educational part of this post is my demonstration of how to improvise when you are missing fancy tools like a water bath canner (ok it is just a large pot) that barely covers the top of the jars.
Here is our “jar tongs” to get the jars promptly out of the water bath using my BBQ tongs.
In the end the jam setup well and all five jars remained sealed. Though I think I either need to get a bigger pot or some half pint jars for the next time I try this.
As a finishing touch my daughter insisted on this custom make labels using some mailing labels I had lying around.
In the end the jars look pretty good and she is excited to start selling them…though we probably will opt to keep a couple jars for ourselves and share a few with some friends/family.
14.6 years ago
Oh my, this looks so delicious!
14.6 years ago
I love Maddie’s special touch! Have I mentioned what great parents you and Amy are? Simply great, in every way! 🙂
14.6 years ago
I LOVE THIS! The tip about the citrus juicer is priceless.
I tried to make strawberry freezer jam last year, but I failed miserably. I didn’t use enough strawberries and it turned out to be more like strawberry syrup. Still yummy, and quite good on waffles!
14.6 years ago
Love your little tutorial! I recently did a tutorial on canning peaches on my blog since they are so plentiful this time of year!
14.6 years ago
One other techique if you want to keep more of the peache intact is a simple scraping using a large spoon. Basically same idea as a melon ball 🙂
14.6 years ago
Awww, that is so cute–“pinches of love.” I think I will put some pinches of love in my peach jam. Today, I bought 8 quarts of Elberta peaches. Tonight will be peach night of some sort–canning, jam, freezing, and a little eating of peaches.
13.8 years ago
Place jars in boiling water or place in water then boil for 5 min.???
13.6 years ago
We are thinking about using your recipie to make peach jam at our school. Can someone tell me if this jam is good? We need to know if it will sell at our school’s market. Thank you.