How to make a cheap pea trellis
15.8 years ago cheap, peas, trellis
This is really two trellises in one. I started by taking a couple bamboo stakes (reused from a couple of one season too long Halloween scarecrows) and bound them together at the top using some twine. I then put the ends in the corners of my garden leaning against the cinder blocks surrounding my raised garden. I following this by adding some twine up the trellis to allow the peas to climb up.
Thing started to get a little crowded so I browed a tip from Martha Stewart, now she recommends black birch branches, but I decided to go with the dead bush I had in my back yard. I was already chopping it up to compost so saved some of the larger branches, stabbed them in the ground and ala pea trellis.
Though the two part trellis was more of an accident, in many ways I really like the support of the bamboo along with the abstract reach of the branches.
Tags: cheap, compost, raised garden
15.8 years ago
whats the bottle for? I don’t dee a tomato growing out of it?
15.8 years ago
Good eyes that is my upside down pepper plant which early on the trellis was a convenient place to hang it though now light is a little lacking. You can see from my update that it is not doing too well.
15.8 years ago
That's a really good idea and would fit perfectly in my ragtag garden. Love your site-Beth in PA
15.8 years ago
what doesn't fit with a ragtag garden 🙂
11.8 years ago
[…] readers know this is not the my first attempt at making a sturdy pea trellis I have had posts and posts about this in the past. Though those creations were a bit cheaper than my current version this […]