How to make a home garden greenhouse
12.4 years ago greenhouse, guest post, winter garden
As the world is speeding up its pace of development every second, we are losing many important things on earth. Saving environment where we live is the need of the hour. We are losing so much greenery every hour around the world that the time is not far when greenery will be hard to find. Though governments are making efforts to save the environment, it’s not enough- our efforts value the most. Greenery is very important for humans life cycle as it takes in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen to breathe in.
Greenhouses are generally built to somewhat gain control over the environment suitable for plants. Greenhouses are generally build to create an atmosphere for growing off season vegetables all-round the year. One can easily make greenhouse garden at home with some easy to make a home garden greenhouse. Below are a few popular varieties you can create yourself or purchase a kit to save a considerable amount of money.
The greenhouse frames are of three types- the “Quonset” which is simple tunnel shaped, ridged beam with taller gothic shape having arched sidewalls and third one with vertical side walls having able roof. Choice of greenhouse generally depends on cost and gardening goals. The ridged beam and Quonset are mainly for rookie gardeners who have less gardening experience.
This basic inexpensive Quonset greenhouse structure is made from 1/2 inch PVC plastic pipe. Quonset is suitable for rookie gardeners who wish to increase the growing season and are interested in cultivating early spring seedlings. Quonset base is egg shaped, two-by-four frame directly placed on the ground. The roof has several half cut plastic lengths attached to each other with the insides of longitudinal base at distance of three to five foot. It comprises of a UV-resistant heavy plastic film, which is used for covering the roof. The walls at the ends have door frames with adjustable sliding doors on both ends providing access and ventilation to greenhouse.
Gothic greenhouses are tall as compared to Quonset shape. They have central ridge and have arched sides. Gothic greenhouses provide better headroom and storage along with the sidewalls. This type of greenhouse can be raised on ground or concrete slab if user is planning to use growing tables or raised beds. In Gothic greenhouse wooden arches are used on inside edges of the base frame on longitudinal sides. Flexible polycarbonate or see-through panels made of fiberglass are fixed to wooden frames with screws. Adjustable sliding doors are used to cover ends for ventilation and access. Gothic greenhouses can be of great use to serious gardeners who want to increase the cultivation seasons up to four times.
Rigid Frame
These greenhouses are built by professional contractors. Rigid Frame greenhouses have permanent structure without supporting pillars in center. These types of greenhouses need building permit plan approvals. Rigid Frame greenhouses are built on concrete foundations with vertical sidewalls. They have full facility of controlling humidity, lighting heating and ventilation. Its exteriors are built with fiberglass sheeting, polycarbonate panels and glass. These greenhouses can be used for cultivation all-round the year and used by professional farmers and horticultural nurseries.
These are some of the garden greenhouses which one can make according to his/her requirements and budget.
About The Author: Alia is a journalist and blogger. She is a contributor to several sites such as Marnie Bennett.
12.4 years ago
Thanks for the inspiration, but…
The first one looks easy enough, but there are problems with the description. The name, of course, should probably be Quonset. Then you say the frame is egg shaped? Made of 2 x 4s? None of it makes any sense to me, actually. Is there another site that has the correct building directions, and sources for the apparent clamps holding the plastic to the frame?
12.4 years ago
This looks great! I really want a greenhouse, but I don’t think my husband would build one if I ask. I guess it’s worth a try though.
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12 years ago
I bought one of the greenhouse kits from here last year, and I love it. However, I think I’m addicted and need a bigger, better one this year. I found that growing my own veggies in a greenhouse is much easier, produces more vegetables, and saves me money – all good things! Thanks for sharing!