HomeTown Seeds: 3-Tray Kitchen Seed Sprouter Review and Giveaway
14.6 years ago seeds, sprouting
Last year I played with sprouting seeds in a mason jar to hold me and the kids over during the winter until it was time to start growing for the following spring. The process worked great but I ended up with way more sprouts than I could consume and most of the sprouts were wasted. One option was to use smaller jars and stagger the starting of the seeds, but this would leave me to fill and drain 3-4 jars a couple of days.
Fortunately Hometown Seeds has a product (3-Tray Kitchen Sprouter) that solves these problems for me and when they asked it I would want to review this product I jumped at the chance.
The kit comes with 3 trays and a packet of 2 oz of organic alfalfa seeds, which you can fill each with a half of tablespoon of seeds to get a full tray full of sprouts in 2-3 days. Each tray is easily removable so you can choose to create 3 trays worth of sprouts at a time or create start a new tray every day to always have a fresh supply of sprouts.
After you have added the seeds you put the pieces together and simply fill the top reservoir with water and the sprouter does the rest. The sprouter uses a syphon technique to allow the tray to partially fill with water before draining to the tray below it, to repeat the process for any other trays you have.
Here you can see the syphoning in action.
I have not tried it myself but I don’t see any reason if you bought multiple kits and stack them as high as you want and have a sprouting factory on your kitchen counter.
Overall I was very impressed with the sprouter it was easy to use and entertaining for my 6-year-old to watch the water drain through the various levels. Also produced clean quality sprouts without making a mess all over the kitchen counter. The only negative observation is sometimes the seeds/sprouts can clog the syphon if too many get packed together. Fortunately when this happened to me, I simply removed the plastic syphon cap and pushed away a few of the seed/sprouts blocking the drain and didn’t have any problems after that, but something to keep an eye on.
Here are some sprouts I after growing for 2 days…tomorrow they will go on some sandwiches.
Hometown Seeds has also graciously offered one of these sprouting systems to readers of CVG, so if you are in the continental United States, just enter a comment below and I will pick a winner at random in one week (9/18/2010 Midnight PST)
Tags: seed
14.6 years ago
cool. enter me in the give away please.
14.6 years ago
I’d love to try seed sprouting. Sprouts are expensive when bought at the market
14.6 years ago
I can’t wait to start growing sprouts in such an easy system.
14.6 years ago
That looks so neat and super easy. Yay for science! They sell nice sized packages of sprouting seeds on their site, too. I will keep a bookmark there for future reference.
14.6 years ago
Sprouts from my own kitchen would be great!
14.6 years ago
How fun! And nutritious. Sprouting at home made so easy and reliable; I cannot see why anyone out there would NOT want one. Thanks for the informative review.
14.6 years ago
I would love to try, those sprouts look delicious!
14.6 years ago
That sounds like a great products.
14.6 years ago
I’ve used another sprouter that’s square and doesn’t have a syphon. Love to try this one. Enter me please. Thanks.
14.6 years ago
That looks awesome!
14.6 years ago
Awesome. I’d love to try sprouting – I’m already having visions of sprout/hummus/tomato sandwiches. Mmmmm.
14.6 years ago
I would like to try this. I usually use a old handkerchief and keep misting it through the day. This would greatly simplify my life.
14.6 years ago
This sounds like my kind of product!
I have the plastic screen tops for mason jars, but finding a way to support them so they’ll drain, but not be upside down, and remembering to rinse them has been enough to keep me from using them much.
14.6 years ago
Wow! Fresh, home grown sprouts sound great. Enter me in the giveaway. Thanks for a great blog.
14.6 years ago
I have a jar. I used it a few times but mostly forgot to rinse the seeds and now it sits in the back of my cupboard. Your pictures have motivated me to try it again, but I’m more motivated to win your giveaway!
14.6 years ago
Looks like a nice product.
14.6 years ago
Looks good, I love sprouts.
14.6 years ago
I’ve been meaning to buy and actual sprouter. Please put me in for the giveaway 🙂
Thanks for doing this!
14.6 years ago
That sure looks easy, makes me want to try it !
14.6 years ago
Cool, would love to try this!
14.6 years ago
I love sprouts. I want to buy a sprouter better than a mason jar, but can’t afford it right now. Thanks for your review and giveaway!
14.6 years ago
..ahh sprouts.. so much better than lettuce on my sandwiches.. the Kitchen Sprouter looks like a great helper!
14.6 years ago
That’s super cool! I love sprouts on sandwiches. Thanks for the review.
14.6 years ago
Very similar to my sprouter. I love sporuting. It makes me feel like a successful gardener!
14.6 years ago
Thanks for the review. I’ve been thinking about getting one of these for awhile. Maybe now I can win one instead 😉
14.6 years ago
Sweet. Much better solution than paper towels.
14.6 years ago
I’d love to give sprouting a try!
14.6 years ago
I want me some free sprouty seeds! Please….
14.6 years ago
I would love to try this!
14.6 years ago
Do enter me in the drawing. I was wondering if this setup would be less likely to support the growth of salmonella that has been reported in alfalfa sprouts?
14.6 years ago
It would be nice to add a little home grown sprouts to my dreary Seattle kitchen this winter.
14.6 years ago
Wooooo sprouts! Sign me up 🙂
14.6 years ago
Oh wow, this looks awesome. And I love alfalfa sprouts! Yummy.
14.6 years ago
oooh, this looks terrific!!!!!!!!!!!!
14.6 years ago
That does looks awesome – I have never heard of this seed sprouter!
14.6 years ago
I tried the mason jar method, too, with similar results. I’d love to give this thing a try, so sign me up for the giveaway!
14.6 years ago
Sprouts are a great idea for the winter!
14.6 years ago
Love me some sprouts.
14.6 years ago
I would like to try this out.
14.6 years ago
What a great idea! What a fun way to get kids to eat healthier, too. I have found that if they help grow it they are more likely to eat it.
14.6 years ago
This sounds cool. Is it cost effect compared to the other methods.
Please sign me up too.
14.6 years ago
Great post. Love sprouts on salads and sandwiches.
14.6 years ago
mumble, mumble… continental United States… grumble. Ah, well, have luck!
14.6 years ago
It looks like a easy way to make your own sprouts.
14.6 years ago
So neato! I’d love to try out this contraption!
14.6 years ago
WooHoo sign me up! I’ve had a packet of spouts I’ve been meaning to use for a year and haven’t gotten around to because, well it seemed like a pain :/ This would definitely help! Thanks!
14.6 years ago
Enter me please 🙂
14.6 years ago
In for the giveaway 🙂
14.6 years ago
Sounds like a fantastic gadget! Yes, please sign me up.
14.6 years ago
I looked into getting a sprouting setup going in the kitchen, but realized that it would be difficult to tend to the sprouting jars since I work out of state during the week. Something like this would be great and much easier for my boyfriend to take care of during my absence!
14.6 years ago
Random comment for giveaway!
14.6 years ago
wow.. how cool is this and my girls can grow there own lunch!
14.6 years ago
Wow this is so cool! I usually use a jar when I do this, but I’d love to try something like this out. Thanks for the heads-up!
14.5 years ago
I’d love to try it.
14.5 years ago
This looks great. I like to have bean sprouts for making my own Phad Thai, but the bulk sprouts at the store just look dangerous to eat. Making them myself would allow me to have Phad Thai more often!
14.5 years ago
Such a cool product!!
14.5 years ago
I’ve wondered if my kitchen would work for sprouts. Please enter me in the giveaway.