Hometown seed giveaway #2 (Survival Seeds)
15.1 years ago free, giveaway, seed storing, seeds
Hometown Seeds has again graciously offered up a selection of their non-GMO non hybrid survival seeds. These are advertised to keep in storage for 5-10 years but also are open pollinated so you can grow them this year, collect the seeds and create your own stockpile in preparation of any future catastrophic food shortage.
They include a selection of the following varieties:
- Lincoln Peas
- Detroit Dark Red Beets
- Kentucky Wonder Brown Pole Bean
- Yolo Wonder Pepper
- Champion Radish
- Lucullus Swiss Chard
- Black Beauty Zucchini
- Waltham Butternut Winter Squash
- Bloomsdale Longstanding Spinach
- Scarlet Nantes Carrots
- Long Green Improved Cucumber
- Rutgers Tomato
- Golden Acre Cabbage
- Romaine Paris Island Cos Lettuce
- Golden Bantem Sweet Corn
- Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion
They will be sending me the seeds to no restrictions on where these can be mailed to, so simply add a comment by 2/16/2010 2/19/2010 and I will randomly select a winner in one week.
Update — 2/16/2010
I got the seeds in the mail from Hometown Seeds and I was very surprised in the weight of these seeds. Well over a lb of seeds in this package. They come in a sealed lightproof wrapper as you can see below:
Though the seeds would last longer if I kept them in this packaging, though I just had to rip it open to see what was inside (winner’s package will not be opened):
As you can see there are quite a few seeds in this package so you may want to think about who you may want to share these with if you win.
Tags: cheap, garden seeds, led, pepper plants, tomato plants, vegetables
15.1 years ago
I’m in for survival seeds!
15.1 years ago
I live on 7 acres. With these seeds I could feed my family plus make some bank at the market and have plenty of seeds to trade next year.
Awesome giveaway!
15.1 years ago
I’d love to win this. With a new baby in the house, I haven’t even opened a seed catalog, nevermind actually placing an order in a reasonable amount of time.
15.1 years ago
very cool! sign me up
15.1 years ago
*Raises hand* I’m in! Gimmie some nifty seeds!
15.1 years ago
This is just my second year of gardening and I’ve tried a bit of seed starting, It is fun and challenging. I would love to win the survival seeds!
15.1 years ago
great idea. count me in. 🙂
15.1 years ago
Might as well try!
15.1 years ago
I have the soil for those little beauties.
15.1 years ago
Sounds great!
15.1 years ago
Seeds….need seeds.
Have dirt….need seeds
15.1 years ago
I would love to have these seeds!
15.1 years ago
I’d love to give these a try in my apartment garden!
15.1 years ago
I am in the process of trying to switch to more non hybrid and saving my own seeds.
15.1 years ago
Thanks for this raffle. I’d love to get those seeds.
15.1 years ago
I love seeds especially ones that will sprout and provide food for the table and these seem perfect for a new area in my garden.
15.1 years ago
Pick me!
I also think you should do a review of the Earthbox and give one away to one of your faithful followers who never wins anything. (I pretty much just ensured I’m going to win these seeds now, didn’t I!)
I’ll send them your blog if you like! 😀
15.1 years ago
I’m going to try and put a small garden in this year. We haven’t had the room before, so it will be great to have fresh, home-grown produce again!
15.1 years ago
*ooh!* Can I try?
15.1 years ago
Oooooh… I just got my greenhouse in the UPS. LOL hopefully I get to grow your seeds in it!
BTW speaking of giveaways… You won the lowes gift card on my blog…
email me at robj98168@yahoo.com with snail mail info on were to send it!
15.1 years ago
I’d love to try that set!
15.1 years ago
Count me in. I love to try new varieties.
15.1 years ago
I would absolutely love to be able to plant these in our garden.
15.1 years ago
We could always use more seeds !
15.1 years ago
We are expanding our garden. I could really use these seeds.
15.1 years ago
OMG!!! I would love theese! With my job laying me off and 5 children and a husband we planned on having the biggest besstess garden this yr!!! Theese would save me tons of money!!Great Giveaway!!
15.1 years ago
Thank you for the giveaway! It’s a lovely variety.
15.1 years ago
15.1 years ago
Sign me up!
15.1 years ago
Walmart has seed packets for 20 cents each, which is outrageous when you can get these for free! I refused to get ripped off by the likes of wal-mart. Sign me up!
15.1 years ago
I’m in.
15.1 years ago
wants me some seeds~!
15.1 years ago
Me want.
15.1 years ago
Same here.
15.1 years ago
Me too.
15.1 years ago
What a great giveaway!
15.1 years ago
I hope this random thing works out for me. I am a new garden enthusiast. Bring on some seeds!
15.1 years ago
please put me on your list and thank you I would love to win that huge pile of seeds, thanks so much for the offer!
15.1 years ago
Its nice to find a good review about products nowadays that written in a nice and informative manner. Thanks again for all the hard work you put forth.
With each review maybe a link directly to the retailer, kind enough to donate the item would prove helpful for the lazy and Google inept type (myself) .
15.1 years ago
Awesome idea! Thanks for the chance to win. Seeds are so expensive, yet so worth it. We are planning to have a big garden this year. I want to teach my kids the value of hard work, plus we love fresh produce.
15.1 years ago
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
15.1 years ago
You can make your seeds remain viable longer by storing left over seeds in an air tight container with one of those moisture absorbing packets and keep it in the fridge. That way you can buy the bulk sizes, which are much more economical.
15.1 years ago
Those who control the seed, control the feed.
15.1 years ago
GOt here recommended by a friend, will definitely be a follower! Thanks for all the good information.
15.1 years ago
I’d love to be entered. Thanks for the chance! 🙂
15.1 years ago
I’d love these seeds and could put them to good use… I have so many people and places with whom to share them. My tip to help with longer term storage would be to put a packet of silica gel in with your stored seeds to help keep the humidity at a minimum. These packets are often included as “throw aways” with many new purchases to keep them dry. Just reuse the packet!
14.1 years ago
love them seeds
Can’t wait for spring