Harvesting your own seeds
17.1 years ago seed saving
This past fall I made my first attempt to harvest my own seeds. If you can’t tell from the picture I chose cilantro (or coriander if you eat the seeds) and seem to be worth the minimal effort. Just as a warning, if the plant you are dealing with happens to be a hybrid (parents of different species) what you get the next year may not be the same as it was the previous year. In the end this could be disappointment or a pleasant surprise so the risk might be worth it. This next year I am planning letting some of my other vegetables finish going to seed to save a couple bucks but also the flowers don’t look half bad.
Tags: cheap, cilantro, garden seeds, outdoor plants, vegetables
17.1 years ago
I like your site. I’m gardening on a budget too. Thank you for favoriting my site!
17.1 years ago
Cilantro grows in my yard like dandelions do in others. In a word, everywhere. I don’t need to collect its seeds anymore unless I want coriander or I want to share.Luckily, we eat a lot of cilantro, so I’m not unhappy with its wild ways.
17.1 years ago
Same here can’t have enough cilantro; hopefully we have a milder summer this year so they don’t bolt to seed so quickly.
14.5 years ago
[…] the past I have harvested seeds for cilantro which worked so well I have decided to try more this year. Now my gigantic onions are producing […]
14.5 years ago
[…] […]
12.3 years ago
Thank you for each other magnificent post.
12.2 years ago
[…] Harvest your own seeds: I typically grow at least one or two cilantro and pea plants to collect seeds from for the next year . Notice your neighbor has some neglected plants going to seed? Ask if you can get some they may even look at this as free weeding (important part is to ask though) […]
12.2 years ago
[…] are lucky enough you might even get a meal and some seeds to plant with next year depending on you seed saving […]
11.3 years ago
[…] year I collected cilantro seeds and they were a great success in my garden that this past Spring I made a commitment to myself that […]