GrowVeg vegetable gardening software: Square Foot Gardening and more
12.2 years ago garden planning, spring, sprouting, square foot gardening
Seeing a few rays of sunshine in the gloomy Pacific Northwest, I decided to open up GrowVeg and start planning for my fall crops for the upcoming season. I was pleased to notice a new bit of functionality the Square Foot Gardening feature. I started growing with the square foot method after being inspired with my first gardening book appropriately titles “Square Foot Gardening” by Mel Bartholomew. I consider him the original cheap vegetable gardener where this book provides a great way to produce more food in less space but is also filled with very cost efficient tips for your home garden.
GrowVeg takes advantage of this technique by allowing you to select the plants you want to grow and automatically shows you the amount of “squares” your plant needs as well as how many plants you can add in the square with the number appearing in the top left corner.
One additional benefit of GrowVeg is when you use the service for a couple years, not only can you save time by reusing the template from the previous year, but it also remembers what you planted at the various locations and warns you to not plant that family of vegetables in the same location for effective crop rotation (another recommendation of Square Foot Gardening) by showing a glowing red indicator (see below) where to avoid planting this year.
Another cool feature is revealed by clicking on the info icon it will display a real picture of the plant and all of the basic information you need to know to grow almost any edible plant you can think of.
I will admit last year I did not follow the planting dates that GrowVeg recommended, I was optimistic (ok really just impatient) and started my seed a few weeks too early resulting in some poor yields for my cold spring crops. This year I am going to be a little more pessimistic and use their dates and following the convenient planting guide. Which along with the reminder emails (and a little restraint) hopefully I will been eating a few more spring veggies this year.
If you want to to try out for yourself you can sign up for a free 30 day trial and in a 5-10 minutes you can have some detailed plans as well.
14.2 years ago
What an amazing tool! So cool! I will check it out.
14.2 years ago
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nabin Shrestha, Margie. Margie said: GrowVeg vegetable gardening software—Square Foot Gardening and more […]
14.2 years ago
I’ve never heard of GrowVeg but it seems like an excellent service. I’ll be sure to check it out!
14.2 years ago
Thank you for the blog posts. Are you able to advise to me the best source of information or books about square foot gardening? I want to grow my own greens this coming year however i dont understand where to begin! Any sort of assistance will be treasured!
14.2 years ago
We’ve started planning our garden with this program. I think this will be a great way of keeping track of where we plant things from year to year.
14.1 years ago
[…] you should start seeds and move transplants outside. You can check out my first review and my more recent review for some more specific details of this years new feature […]
12.2 years ago
Thanks for re-publishing this review. I’m glad you’re enjoying using the Garden Planner! – Ann Marie,