Growing Challenge: Planting the seeds
17 years ago growing challenge, seed storing
I have decided to participate in The Growing Challenge hosted by the people at Elements in Time. The short version is to try growing at least one thing from seed that you have not tried before.
My daughters and I have decided to grow some tomatoes (Sweetie, San Marzano, Siletz) which I normally pick from the limited choice of seedlings that are available at my garden store. While picking seeds my 3 year old insisted on getting corn, don’t think we have the space for it to be productive, guess in the end we might have some nice Halloween decorations. We also noticed that some of our potatoes had started to sprout so we have decided to add them to our list.
Stay tuned for updates on our growing challenge.
Tags: garden seeds, outdoor plants, tomato plants
17 years ago
I haven’t taken up the challenge officially but I am growing broccoli raab from seed and I’ve never tried it before. I’ve never even eaten it before. And chard. This is the first year I’ve grown it. It’s gorgeous as well as delicious.
17 years ago
I have grown chard in the past but never ended up eating any, definately adds so long lasting color to the vegetable garden.
17 years ago
Yesterday I picked up corn seeds for the first time. I tried them a few years ago as accent plants, they looked so awesome in the perennial beds and big containers. That year I paid $2.99 per single plant. One thing I noticed was that the package said to buy more than one variety so they can cross polinate. Even so, my two packages of seeds cost less than the 1/2 dozen plants I bought the last time.
17 years ago
Awesome that you let your kids pick the seeds! I tried corn last year and it was a bust, but I have high hopes for this year. One thing the kids will love is how fast (and beautiful) the corn grows. And you can always hand pollinate it with them – that would be a fun project.
17 years ago
One thing I heard for corn to successfully pollinate on its own you practically need to have a few bee hives in your back yard. That not being an option may have to try the hand pollination.
17 years ago
Adsense, corn requires wind for pollination, rather than insects. In the absence of wind, I believe you can pollinate by hand, though. You’d take pollen from the top tassels and rub them onto the silks.