Giveaway: $1354.83 worth of fresh produce
15.3 years ago giveaway, harvest, seed saving, seeds
Ok there is a little catch, you have to plant the seeds and grow the produce yourself and have perfect weather and unlimited space to do it. Over the past season I have intentionally harvested more seeds than I needed just for the purpose of sharing them so here is your first chance to get some of CVG’s seed stash. This should be a good addition to your current selection of seeds or great for a person just starting out next year.
The harvest values were calculated using my most profitable vegetables in your garden post, so numbers are estimated but I tried to be as accurate as possible. Below are also links to my harvesting techniques of most of the “Self” seeds below (just realized I never wrote up cilantro and radish seed harvesting so expect to see these soon).
CVG’s Seed Stash (Variety Pack)
Seed | Seed Type |
Seeds (Est.) | Harvest Value (Est.) |
Jalapeno Pepper | Self Collected | 10 | $ 45.00 |
Radish | Self Collected | 30 | $ 11.66 |
Lavender | ? | 50 | $ 10.00 |
Cilantro/Coriander | Self Collected | 100 | $ 525.00 |
Bhut Jolokia pepper | Self Collected | 10 | $ 150.00 |
Sunflower (Big) | Self Collected | 20 | $ 10.00 |
Spinach | Self Collected | 25 | $ 11.25 |
Carnation | ? | 30 | $ 5.00 |
Onions (White) | Self Collected | 50 | $ 12.94 |
Tomato (Early Girl) | Hybrid | 15 | $ 233.55 |
Corn (Sweet Yellow) | Self Collected | 25 | $ 31.25 |
Pumpkin | Self Collected | 15 | $ 150.00 |
Carrots (Finger) | Hybrid | 70 | $ 15.58 |
Sunflower (Evening Sun) | Hybrid | 10 | $ 10.00 |
Cucumber | Heirloom | 30 | $ 116.10 |
Peas | Self Collected | 30 | $ 12.50 |
Mint (Spearmint) | Hybrid | 50 | $ 5.00 |
Total | $ 1,354.83 |
As always just enter a comment and a winner will be randomly selected using my patented “CVG’s Contest Winner Pickorama” on Jan 1st, 2010. This contest is open to everyone inside/outside the United States pending any export/import of regulations of sending seeds, which I am still doing some research on.
Tags: cheap, cilantro, garden seeds, outdoor plants, pepper plants, tomato plants, vegetables
15.3 years ago
I am always up for free stuff and I would love these seeds
15.3 years ago
I'm in.
15.3 years ago
Free seeds, come to me!
15.3 years ago
I hope I win!
15.3 years ago
I'm feeling lucky 😉
15.3 years ago
As I prepare for my 2nd season as a gardener, I would love to have your seeds to give me an extra boost!!
15.3 years ago
I could definitely put those seeds to good use! Count me in.
15.3 years ago
I feel the need for seed
15.3 years ago
This will be only my second year planting a garden. I would love some good seeds to start out with!
15.3 years ago
count me in!
15.3 years ago
I'm in!
15.3 years ago
Of course I'm gonna leave a comment! I run a garden at a Philly high schools and this would be awesome!
15.3 years ago
Count me in! Started a small vegetable garden eight months ago and would love to sample new vegetables!
15.3 years ago
What a great way to start the year!
15.3 years ago
I love free seeds!
15.3 years ago
I would love these to share with my family!
15.3 years ago
I am certainly in! Seeds to help start my garden would be great!
15.3 years ago
Very nice giveaway. I am always up for trying new seed varieties.
15.3 years ago
Yay! Worldwide! I'm so in!
15.3 years ago
Come on free seeds!!! Woo Hoo!
15.3 years ago
I would love these seeds. I am hoping to start a community garden in my neighborhood next season.
15.3 years ago
Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
15.3 years ago
Hope they grow in Texas
15.3 years ago
thanks my 10 yr farmer boy would love to experiment with these
15.3 years ago
Just cleared an acre on our new property, seed catalog in hand it's expensive, ready for some seeds! Oh and an Arduino- soil sensor aaaand a pony. P.S. I have some seeds too are you interested in setting up a CVG loyal reader seed swap?
15.3 years ago
I'm in.BTW. The seed form Cilantro is called Coriander (and in England the entire plant is called Coriander)
15.3 years ago
Sign me up! I need free seeds.
15.3 years ago
would love some seeds! thanks!
15.3 years ago
I love getting new seeds to plant!
15.3 years ago
I love your blog! Enter me in your seed giveaway, please!
15.3 years ago
Kate, funny you mention that I have thought about having a CVG seed swap maybe we can start one in the Winner/Loser notification. I have plenty of more seeds to trade as well (some of which in the above giveaway).
15.3 years ago
Thanks, count me in!
15.3 years ago
getting ready to plan my spring garden at my new house and would love these seeds to get it going.
15.3 years ago
Count me in!
15.3 years ago
Mee too!
15.3 years ago
count me in!
15.3 years ago
I'll take them ! 🙂
15.3 years ago
I love cheap gardening!Merry Christmas to you all
15.3 years ago
Yay! I can't wait to start the new growing season already! 🙂
15.3 years ago
I have swiss chard, curly kale, radish, bloomsdale spinach, flat leaf parsely, cilantro and many more for trade! I will give you mine if you give me yours…
15.2 years ago
I'm in on this one.
15.2 years ago
my husband and i just started gardening last year. We would like to become much more self sustaining and these would get us off to a great start
15.2 years ago
wow this is a awesome idea. Starting out my garden this year.. any good ieas how to control the rhizome grasses for a new garden?
15.2 years ago
Count me in too. What a wonderful giveaway idea. 🙂
15.2 years ago
Kurt, the drawing will be random. Though if you happen to win, I am all for free seeds as well. If you don't I have plans for a CVG reader's online seed exchange so keep those seeds close.Chris, Not sure about rhizome grasses though persistence usually is the best strategy. May also try smothering the area with a thick much (cardboard leaves)
12.2 years ago
[…] me an email using the contact link at the top of the page with your name/address and I will get the seeds sent out as soon as […]
9.8 years ago
Wish I saw this sooner! I spent $150.00++ on seeds this year, yet my results are poor :~(
I have a radish question: I got all excited about radishes and bought several different kinds, including black, german giant, and mardi gras mix. All I got were tops, so I’m letting them go to seed. Will there be a problem with crossing pollination? They are all next to each other. Should I abandon ship, and just use fresh seed, or will I still be able to plant these mixed up seeds? Thx,