Free tomato seeds and save a farm
16.1 years ago free, seeds, tomato
If you want to get some free tomato seeds head over to Campbell’s Help Grow Your Soup site. After simply entering some numbers on the bottom of a can of soup they will send you a free packet of tomato seeds. Seems like a pretty good deal to me, as an added bonus they donate 100 seeds to the National FFA Organization just for making your request.
Be sure to check out there site because they have some good basic gardening tips on the site.
If you want more sources of cheap/free vegetable seeds check out my Cheap Vegetable Seeds post.
Tags: cheap, garden seeds, tomato plants, vegetables
16.1 years ago
I get many of my free seeds from the grocery store in the off season. I have harvested and planted squash and tomatoes that way. It helps to by the heirloom toms and many of them end up mongrels of a sort but you cant beat the price. Besides I tend to favor mongrels in the garden they seem hardier.
16.1 years ago
I have given you an award :)You can collect it at my blog.You can pas the award to 0 others.
16 years ago
I have quite a few cans in the cupboard that I tried to enter this contest and it said the codes aren’t valid. Oh well.
15 years ago
Dont see any offer it must have ended.
11.9 years ago
[…] Campbells Free Tomato Seeds, Save A Farm […]