Free Gardening Books
12.2 years ago book, free, vegetables
The great thing about home gardening is that people have been doing it for thousands of years and even better writing about for at least the last few hundred. Fortunately this provides us with a great amount of knowledge of from many generations back.
What’s even better many of these get gems are under the public domain so they are completely free gardening books to have as a resource to read online and is even available in EBOOK format to take with on your favorite. To check out these great books yourself check out Google Books with the public domain filter enabled.
Currently I am checking out “The home vegetable garden” by W. R. Beattie in printed in 1906. Sure it doesn’t have a real catching marketing title but provides some great tips and makes use of low cost solutions to the same problems we come across today. One of my favorite finds was this handy Planting table:
Update: Max mentioned in the comments of another great resource your local Cooperative Extension Service just go to and type “Cooperative Extension Service” and then your zip code to find your local office and get some great local info.
So check these out and let me know what treasures you find in the comments.
12.2 years ago
I addition, I believe every state has a Cooperative Extension Service – what we used to call the County Agent – that has hundreds of publications available for free. Here in Georgia,I’ve been able to find most of their material available as downloadable .PDF files.
Their planting tables have the advantage of listing vegetable varieties that are proven to grow well here and the planting times are adjusted for our climate.
12.2 years ago
Max, That is a great suggestion. So great I added to the original post, checked out my local CES and found some great local materials.