First Tomato 2010
14.6 years ago tomato, upside down planter
This is an unfortunately record, being the latest I have gotten my first ripe tomato. In case if anyone was wondering, this was on the 1 gallon milk carton upside down garden planter.
14.6 years ago tomato, upside down planter
This is an unfortunately record, being the latest I have gotten my first ripe tomato. In case if anyone was wondering, this was on the 1 gallon milk carton upside down garden planter.
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14.6 years ago
OMGsh! That is a beautiful picture! Of course, I have a fondness for tomatoes 🙂
14.6 years ago
It’s so pretty!! Bet it’s delicious.
14.6 years ago
You beat me getting my first tomatoes, so consider yourself lucky. Those do look like some great tomatoes though.
14.6 years ago
I must be missing something?? First ripe tomato on 8/20? I started picking in May.
14.6 years ago
memmsnyc, thinking of saving the first one to harvest seeds for next year…not sure how many more I will get 🙂
David S, well I don’t feel so bad then…at least I am not the only one.
MontyMoose, welcome to summer gardening in the Pacific Northwest 🙂
14.6 years ago
Ah, I see! My mind is fixed on San Antonio, Texas! I’ll trade you for some of your beautiful rain?
14.6 years ago
Does it still have the auto-watering option? My Topsy’s dry out every day.
14.6 years ago
MontyMoose, the not having to remember to water is nice, though picking tomatoes three months ago would be nice
Red Icculus, the self watering worked good but once the rain stopped I took it off since I had to water everything else, so wasn’t too much effort to water one more. I needed to water every day on hot days (not too many this summer) otherwise every other day.
14.6 years ago
Oh my gosh your tomatoes look wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
14.6 years ago
[…] the same one who decided that my first tomato looked too good to ripen to save for seeds and pulled the branch off. It was nice enough to […]