Featured in The New York Times
14.9 years ago cheap, upside down planter
We were very excited to be featured in The New York Times last Thursday. Welcome to the many new visitors that visiting us this week. If you want to check out the entire article it is available online.
I have been considering creating a press page and figured this was a good opportunity to start a “CVG featured in the press page”
Tags: cheap, tomato plants, vegetables
14.9 years ago
Wow, congratulations to that coupe!
14.9 years ago
Congrats you handsome devil!
14.9 years ago
Do you have any idea if there have been studies about whether chemicals leach into the soil from the plastic bottles? My wife, who always tries to buy organic produce, is worried about BPA in particular.
Anyway, seems like a great idea. The place where we live in Vancouver, B.C. has a small back yard, and we’re putting in a raised garden bed. But with the raccoons, possums, crows, rats, probably rabbits and who knows how many insect/microbe pests, tomatoes wouldn’t stand much of a chance without blasts of toxic junk.
14.9 years ago
Ragnar, thanks
Red Icculus, yeah my kids are definitely more photogenic than me. I did my best to just have them in the picture 🙂
14.9 years ago
Bukko, I can’t be sure for all bottles but the ones I used were from Diet Pepsi and a quick search on their site confirms that their bottles are made of polyethylene terephthalate which does not contain BPA, though I am can’t say what else is in polyethylene terephthalate I should be worrying about…
14.9 years ago
LOL I featured your topsy turvy planter a year ago… so then… I scoop the NY Times. Hee Hee. 🙂
14.9 years ago
consider me a new faithful reader! i followed the link from the NYT article and found your site. i absolutely love your sense of humor and your creativeness and inventiveness. next you must create an iPhone app!! congratulations on the well-deserved notoriety!
14.9 years ago
deborah, thanks and welcome to the site. I have definitely have considered the mobile application though I am too cheap for a data plan… Could have some pretty cool monitoring functionality just by parsing the grow boxes twitter feed. Maybe when Windows Mobile 7 comes out 🙂
Rob, I have always known you had a good eye on upcoming trends 🙂
14.9 years ago
Very interesting site..Will try the auto watering technique soon. Though I had a concern. With this constant supply of water through the sponge, wouldn’t the soil get saturated ? won’t it be moist all the time ? …Pardon my ignorance.I am a fairly new gardener.
14.8 years ago
Wow! fame at last. Congratulations.
14.8 years ago
Matron/humic: I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts…
14.8 years ago
Congratulations!!! It’s definitely huge to be featured in the NY Times!!! That’s totally awesome. Your upside-down gardening method surely gone a long way. Thanks for imparting this good news to your readers and also for giving some valuable information on how to set up such an amazing gardening method. Keep it up! 🙂
14.8 years ago
Congratulations! My husband found you in the NYT, then passed your article on to me….I kid you not, just last night my son-in-law and I were discussing just this sort of idea as a possible way to grow some veggies in our limited backyard space! Our family will be putting your ideas in place soon! Can’t wait for our summer harvest. 😉
Count us in a new fans of your blog!
14.7 years ago
Congratulations to the penetration of the NY Times! But this is not a good idea, at least not for tomatoes (the only one, if not especially tomatoes, which are designed to grow down). Other tomatoes all suffer pain time and grows up.
14.2 years ago
[…] kicked off by an awesome mention in a New York Times article and subsequent interview on Science Friday on NPR, this article on making your own tomato planter […]