Fall bulb planting surprises
17.1 years ago fall bulb planting
Not sure if it is the long winter, or just me getting older but I have no clue what bulbs we planted last fall. Guess I will find out in a couple weeks.
Tags: cheap, outdoor plants, vegetables
17.1 years ago
Glad to know I’m not the only person who forgets what they planted. The best surprise was a year after I put in a new bed and crocus’ came up. I know for sure I hadn’t planted them.Lucky me, a squirrel must have stole them from somebody else and stored them in my nicely tilled soil. They’re still here years later, hooray!
17.1 years ago
That is the great things about bulbs never know where they will pop up. Our last house we bought in fall and had some surprise when the tulips and iris came up the next spring.