Fall bulb planting surprise revealed
16.9 years ago fall bulb planting
Well turns out the bulbs I planted last fall were tulips which came up this week, hopefully the snow we got yesterday/today (not supposed to happen here) does not kill them off.
Tags: cheap, led, outdoor plants, vegetables
16.9 years ago
Hi! I came upon your blog totally by chance… what wonderful images!All the best;->…fromGledwood”vol 2″…
16.9 years ago
Beautiful colors, they look so pretty together .
16.9 years ago
don’t worry – snow and cold wont kill them – my tulips were about ready to bloom when it got very cold and snowy here – they are fine, just waiting for a hot sunny day to open up…
16.9 years ago
Snowed off and on today but warmer in the afternoon looks like they are still happy.
16.9 years ago
What a nice surprise!