My new blog “ Going Homemade
15.1 years ago Uncategorized
Along with gardening, I also have a passion for cooking/baking. I have had many adventures I wanted to share but didn’t exactly fit under “The Cheap Vegetable Gardener” so I have started Going Homemade.
Though I have been spending much of my life eating most of my meals from bags and boxes, I am making a commitment to bravely try homemade versions of my personal favorites as well as teach my daughters that not all meals come from Costco/Trader Joe’s. So far, everything tastes much better, healthier, and I am even saving a little money according to my calculations.
Tags: cheap, vegetables
Mulch your garden with human hair
15.7 years ago Uncategorized
Need a renewable mulching source that is completely renewable? Check your shower drain.
After spending 18 years as a hair stylist, Phil McCrory got an idea. He developed “SmartGrow” – mats woven from human hair. The product is becoming a popular organic alternative to chemical herbicides
If you don’t have the time to collect and weave your own human hair mats you can always purchase one from SmartGrow from under $4.00 to over $15.00 depending on the size you need.
Tags: organic vegetables
New site design
15.9 years ago Uncategorized
If you have visited us before, you may notice some changes to the site design. Felt things were getting cluttered, so did a little spring cleaning. We have a little more tweaking to do but I am getting used to the lighter feel. What do you think?
First/Last? trip to the NW Home and Garden Show
15.9 years ago Uncategorized
My daughter and I made our first trip to the NW Home and Garden show yesterday. It was a great experience which if you want to know more you can check out my guest post on Flora’s Blog. Apparently there is a March 31st deadline to find a new owner, so keeping my fingers crossed since I would love to go next year with both my daughters.
1st Blog-Iversary
16 years ago Uncategorized
Exactly one year ago I wrote the first post for The Cheap Vegetable Gardener. Over this short time I have had a tremendous response, more than I ever had ever imagined. I wish the January spike (below) would continue into 2009 but much of this was traffic was significantly elevated my the following honorable mentions:
- Hack-a-day (PS2 controller thermometer)
- Hack-a-day (Automated plant growing)
- Top listing on for a few days
- MAKE: Blog: LED light grow box
Thank you to everyone who has read the blog this past year and actively participated with your kind comments. Without your feedback I probably would have gotten bored and stopped writing many months ago.
The Cheap Vegetable Gardener
Tags: cheap, growbox, led, outdoor plants, vegetables
Are Poinsettias poisonous?
16.1 years ago Uncategorized
Sorry this one is busted, if you really want to you can eat a Poinsettia this Christmas though I have heard it tastes really bad and may give you a stomachache. Apparently this myth started over 100 years ago when sadly a child was found dead next to a Poinsettia plant and was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time for the plant and it got the rap. If you still are not convinced you can check out the National Capital Poison Center’s site.
Tags: cheap, outdoor plants, vegetables