Wet Circuits water resistant power strip review
14.2 years ago electronics, power strip, product review, water, waterproof, wet circuits
One problem with growing plants indoors is the requirement for indoor lighting, combined with the need to pour water on plants around such lighting causes a potential electrical disaster. When I heard about Wet Circuits water/tamper resistant power strip I simply had to try it out. Not having the $70 to buy one myself, the nice people at WetCircuits sent me a sample to try out these claims for myself.
After reviewing their very informative infomercial style demonstration (see below) I felt I would not be doing my job unless I reproduced at least some of these demonstrations for myself.
Being cautious I started with sticking in my voltmeter while having my homemade supplemental LED light plugged in.
Test #1 one passes with flying colors
Next it was time to pour water on the live outlet…now using a normal socket this would result in a nice spark if you were lucky. As you can see from the video below, this also passed without any problems.
I decided to skip the tweezers test provided that the voltmeter answered the expected result and well it is just plain scary to try even when I know it won’t shock me.
Now if you have shelves of grow lights or your own grow box for $70 this is a decent investment though it does buy you some piece of mind.