Butterfly Garden Update (Nasturtiums and Marigolds)
16.7 years ago butterfly, butterfly garden
My black-eyed susans and purple cone flowers didn’t survive being transplanted after being moved from the PC Grow Box, but the Nasturtiums and Marigolds are doing just fine. Even have had some sightings of a few butterflies unfortunately none have stuck around long enough to get a photo, guess there is still lots of summer left this year.
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Tags: butterfly garden, cheap, growbox, outdoor plants, vegetables
16.7 years ago
okay…this is very cool! You never know what you are gonna learn on any given day. I like this idea.
16.7 years ago
We also have a butterfly bush we started from seed a little late by our kitchen window which hopefully the weather will keep up and we can sucessfully transfer it outside.
16.6 years ago
I’m a little confused…The photo is of Nasturtiums, not Zinnas or Marigolds…right?
16.6 years ago
Yep, your right my daughter really wanted the Zinnias since they had a name like a friend of hers so I let her call the Nasturtiums Zinnias, guess I called them the same a few too many times myself 🙂