Baby Potato
16.8 years ago Uncategorized
I was digging a little too close to my potato plants and accidentally knocked off this little guy. My daughter suggested we cook and eat it but decided taking a picture would be more appropriate.
Tags: cheap, outdoor plants, vegetables
16.8 years ago
How sweet! Not even enough for a taste each!
16.8 years ago
I was actually surprised how much baby potatoes look like the full grown ones I really expected some tiny skinless freak potato.
16.8 years ago
They do look just like full sized potatoes. We just got our potatoes planted yesterday. Not much action yet. –Curmudgeon
16.8 years ago
I wonder if that counts as the first of the season? If so you have beaten my record by about 3 days!
16.8 years ago
LOL Is that a picture representing our buying power under the current economee?
16.8 years ago
Matron, well if these counted they would be a pretty sorry excuse for a harvest :)Robj98168, with the increased food prices might be the truth
16.8 years ago
That’s neat, we have never grown potato’s before. My kids would love to see a mini-tater.
16.8 years ago
Hi. I wandered over here from Rob’s blog and saw your baby potato. I’ve got that beat by a long shot! If you want to see my trio of mini-taters, you can check this old post. Ironically, I just “harvested” another little one yesterday – about the size of my pinkie fingernail.