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How good are the latest gardening tools? Let’s talk


For true garden lovers, taking care of their yard is more than just an everyday task. Hard-working garden owners take pride in their yards, and with the necessary tools in their garage, they find it easier to make their yard look fantastic. Here is a list of the latest gardening tools that help to keep your yard in tiptop shape.


Hula Hoe

Hoes help you to make rows, dig furrows, loosen the soil and kill weeds. This tool is also known as stirrup hoe that makes weeding an easy job. The stirrup hoe is a long-handled tool that makes you work easily without too much bending. Its blade oscillates to and fro like the hips of a hula dancer. This oscillating blade also helps to slice weed roots below the soil surface. Since the blade swivels to and fro it cuts on both pull and push stroke, making it easy to handle in closed spaces between plants and along the edge of flower beds. When the blade starts losing its sharpness you have to replace it with a new one.



A good long-handled shovel is used for mixing large quantities of dirt, compost, soil and other related materials. The long handles of the shovel minimize strain on your back and shoulders. The handle is slightly tilted so that your hand remains in a natural position thereby reducing the pressure on hand and wrist. You can also use the shovel for planting trees and shrubs.


Electric Garden Groom

You no longer need to waste time cleaning up hedge trimmings than trimming them. Garden groom is a wonderful invention that is ergonomically designed to trim your hedge. The groom uses its big rotary blade for trimming and collects all the cuttings in its built-in-cavity bag to keep your yard free from debris. Thus the tool makes disposal easy without requiring you to sweep up afterwards which is the most labor intensive part.

Gas powered three-in-one Push Lawn Mower

Ideal for smaller garden, the compact design is easy to handle in closed spaces and features three-in-one cutting system that includes side discharge option, mulching and a rear bag collection. Simply fold the handle and keep it aside when not in use. Its mulching option returns the essential nutrients back into the soil resulting in a healthier and greener lawn. You can adjust the height of the handle for more comfortable pushing. Overall the Lawn mower is designed to be an user-friendly tool.


Electric chipper or shredder

This machine powered with electricity makes quick work out of leaves, pruned branches and plant debris. Converts your garden’s rubbish into beautiful munch or compost material thus saving your job of reduce, reuse and recycle. Its lightweight design makes you comfortable in moving it around the yard. The machine is also provided with a safety hopper lock that stops the motor from operating when opened. So there are no more smoky fumes in your garden.


Hand Trowel

Trowels are ideal for digging holes in garden beds; planting small annuals, herbs and vegetables; planting container gardens and mixing soil with compost, fertilizer and other potting mixes. Look for the latest one piece design where the handle will always stay firmly with the head as you take it deep into tough soil. The latest versions have an easy-to-grasp handle. Overall it offers a hassle free performance.

Hand Pruners

Hand pruners are of two types: the anvil type with a deep sap groove and the bypass type which functions like scissors. Anvil pruners do not require much of hand pressure and is easy to cut. Bypass pruners functions well in tighter spaces. Both the models can be used to cut branches up to 1 inch in diameter. The sap groove prevents the blade from sticking when used to cut sappy wood. Hand pruners reduce pressure and impact on wrists. If you take proper care then these pruners will last longer.

Bulb Planters

This tool can be used to make a perfect hole for planting bulbs and other bedding plants. Its long handle saves your back and makes planting easy. For easy operation, simply moisten the soil before planting. Take the planter to the position where the bulb has to be placed and twist the tool to dig hole to the desired depth, then take out the tool from the hole. Now all you need to do is simply drop in seeds or bulbs without straining your back.

garden cart

Wheel barrow/ Garden cart

These carts are not only used to transport heavy and bulky materials such as soil, garden debris, plants and compost but also to carry concrete mixing containers. Its light weight makes lifting and managing extremely easy. The latest carts have cushioned loop handle for comfort and powder coated steel frame for extra durability.

poly leaf scoop

Poly Leaf Scoops

Poly leaf scoops can be used to pick up leaves, thorny or poisonous plant trimmings, pine needles, weeds and gum balls without harming your hands. It is also used for bedding mulch and peat moss. Poly leaf scoops are ideal for all seasons.

electric cultivator

Electric Garden Cultivator/Tiller

Cultivators are generally used to open up and aerate the soil. The tines of this tool help in mixing of materials and loosening weed roots. If you have smaller rocks on your garden soil, no worry, the tiller kicks them out of the soil and to the top where they can be easily removed. Because of its light weight it digs very well without requiring much of man handling or intense arm and back workouts. The only thing you have to do is remove the tines after each use and clean them, which is quite an easy job.

Visit your favorite store and grab these latest tools to make gardening even more enjoyable.

About The Author: Alia is a writer blogger. She loves writing, travelling and reading books. She contributes to Joshia Pastore

How to make a grow box controller


While my existing system was working I decided to make an upgrade to the electronics on my old grow box controller specifically to have a much more industrial strength version that will run without problems for decades to come.  This version also is much safer…still probably not quite to a building code but much less worries to burning my garage down in the middle of the night.  Finally it is modular if there are problems in the future I can easily switch out electronics or sensors.

Well now I have attempted to justify my reasons this is what I used to put the whole thing together:

Parts List

If we had lawyers, they probably would want us to say this:
WARNING: I am not an electrician and do not pretend to be one.  I do not know the specific building electrical codes of your area, so please be sure your wiring is completed under the proper safety code for your area. As always, using high voltage electricity can result in self-electrocution or burn down your house if not done safely so if you are not comfortable doing this wiring please contact a qualified professional.

Putting it all together

On the electronics side overall the circuits are actually pretty simple and if using a breadboard definitely something that could be tackled by a beginner.  Though on the other side since this project is dealing with AC current I definitely would recommend caution (no hands unless power is unplugged) or have someone a little more comfortable with 120/220V help you out.

The Brains

I will be the first to admit that using an Arduino for this application is complete overkill for this application but it gives plenty of room for additions in the future.  For all intents and purpose you could have your grow box completely controlled from the Arduino own processing power though on my case the software and UI is more interesting part to me.  For this reason the Arduino code is actually very “dumb” basically just taking commands via the build in serial through USB and setting digital outputs to HIGH/LOW or reading analog inputs.

Here is the code for your grow box controller:

   1: /*


   2:  * GrowBox Arduino Interface


   3:  *


   4:  * Descriptions: Simple interface to digital and analog controls by passing serial inputs


   5:  *               For example: 


   6:  *                  "A1" to read analog value on pin 1


   7:  *                  "D1H" to set digital pin 1 to HIGH


   8:  */


   9: #include <OneWire.h>




  11: //1-wire


  12: OneWire  ds(8);  // on pin 8


  13: #define BADTEMP -1000




  15: //define unique sensor serial code


  16: byte temperature[8];




  19: #define PIN_VALUE 1          // numeric pin value (0 through 9) for digital output or analog input


  18: #define ACTION_TYPE 0        // 'D' for digtal write, 'A' for analog read


  20: #define DIGITAL_SET_VALUE 2  // Value to write (only used for digital, ignored for analog)




  22: int NUM_OF_ANALOG_READS = 2;


  23: char commandString[20];




  25: void setup()


  26: {


  27:   Serial.begin(9600);




  29:   setOneWireHex();




  31:   // Power control


  32:   for(int i=0; i<=7; i++)


  33:   {


  34:     pinMode(i, OUTPUT);        // sets the digital pins as output


  35:     digitalWrite(i, LOW);      // turn everything off


  36:   }


  37: }




  39: void loop()


  40: {


  41:   readStringFromSerial();




  43:   if (commandString[ACTION_TYPE] != 0)   {


  44:     int pinValue = commandString[PIN_VALUE] - '0';  // Convert char to int




  46:     if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == 'A')


  47:       Serial.println(analogRead(pinValue));


  48:     else if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == 'D') {


  49:       if(commandString[DIGITAL_SET_VALUE] == 'H')


  50:         digitalWrite(pinValue, HIGH);


  51:       else if(commandString[DIGITAL_SET_VALUE] == 'L')


  52:         digitalWrite(pinValue, LOW);




  54:       Serial.println("OK");


  55:     }


  56:     else if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == 'T') {


  57:       float temp = get_temp(temperature);




  59:       Serial.print(temp);


  60:       Serial.println("C");


  61:     }


  62:     else if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == '1') {


  63:       printOneWireHex();


  64:     }


  65:     else if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == 'V')   {


  66:       Serial.println("VERSION_1_0_0_0");


  67:     }


  68:     else if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == 'P') {


  69:       Serial.println("PONG");


  70:     }




  72:     // Clean Array


  73:     for (int i=0; i <= 20; i++)


  74:       commandString[i]=0;


  75:   }




  77:   delay(100);  // wait a little time


  78: }






  81: void readStringFromSerial() {


  82:   int i = 0;


  83:   if(Serial.available()) {


  84:     while (Serial.available()) {


  85:       commandString[i] =;


  86:       i++;


  87:     }


  88:   }


  89: }




  91: void setOneWireHex() {


  92:     ds.reset_search();




  94: }




  96: void printOneWireHex() {


  97:   ds.reset_search();


  98:   if ( ! {


  99:     Serial.print("NONE\n");


 100:   }


 101:   else {


 102:     ds.reset_search();




 104:     int sensor = 0;


 105:     while(


 106:     {


 107:       Serial.print("S");


 108:       Serial.print(sensor);


 109:       Serial.print("=");


 110:       for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {


 111:         Serial.print(temperature[i], HEX);


 112:         Serial.print(".");


 113:       }


 114:       Serial.println();


 115:     }


 116:   }




 118:   ds.reset_search();


 119: }




 121: float get_temp(byte* addr)


 122: {


 123:   byte present = 0;


 124:   byte i;


 125:   byte data[12];




 127:   ds.reset();




 129:   ds.write(0x44,1);         // start conversion, with parasite power on at the end




 131:   delay(1000);     // maybe 750ms is enough, maybe not


 132:   // we might do a ds.depower() here, but the reset will take care of it.




 134:   present = ds.reset();




 136:   ds.write(0xBE);         // Read Scratchpad




 138:   for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++) { // we need 9 bytes


 139:     data[i] =;


 140:   }




 142:   int temp;


 143:   float ftemp;


 144:   temp = data[0];      // load all 8 bits of the LSB




 146:   if (data[1] > 0x80){  // sign bit set, temp is negative


 147:     temp = !temp + 1; //two's complement adjustment


 148:     temp = temp * -1; //flip value negative.


 149:   }




 151:   //get hi-rez data


 152:   int cpc;


 153:   int cr = data[6];


 154:   cpc = data[7];




 156:   if (cpc == 0)


 157:     return BADTEMP;




 159:   temp = temp >> 1;  // Truncate by dropping bit zero for hi-rez forumua


 160:   ftemp = temp - (float)0.25 + (cpc - cr)/(float)cpc;


 161:   //end hi-rez data


 162: //  ftemp = ((ftemp * 9) / 5.0) + 32; //C -> F




 164:   return ftemp;


 165: }

Copy and paste the above code into your Arduino software.   For the code above I used the OneHire.h library which is free to use and can be downloaded from here. To be able to use this library simply copy the contents to C:\arduino\hardware\libraries\OneWire. Now you should be able to Compile (CTRL+R) and upload the code to the board (CTRL+U)

Now with the software uploaded you can send some simple serial commands via its built in USB to serial adapter to interact with it.  The interface is are broken up into 1 to 4 character commands, which I will detail below

Command Description
T Returns temperature from One Wire component
D4H Sets digital pin 4 to HIGH (ON) (replace 4 for alternate pin)
D4L Sets digital pin 4 to LOW (OFF) (replace 4 for alternate pin)
A1 Reads analog value from pin 1 (replace 1 for alternate pin)
PING Returns PONG which is used to confirmed controller is online
V Returns version which is some forethought into the PC application being able to support different versions of controller software

Using the build in serial monitor tool in Arduino.exe, my application, or you should be able to control your Arduino with this very simple command based interface

Now you can hook up some LEDs and watch them blink which is fun for a little while but if you want to add some grow box components read on….

Temperature Sensor

As you can see I have fully embraced the circuit schema on the back of a napkin idea.  These are the actual diagrams I crumpled up and stuffed in my pocket with several trips to the garage for some final soldering of various joints until everything was solid.

Below is the simple circuit required to get your 1Wire temperature sensor working.  I would recommend checking your documentation (if not labels on the chip) for the orientation to have 1 and 3 correct, if you have it wrong you should get some complete unrealistic number.  Hook ground up to pin1 on the DS18S20 and pin 2 hooked up to the digital input pin 8 on the Arduino with 5V with a 4.7K resister in between to step down the voltage.

If everything is hooked up correctly you should get the current room temperature in Celsius by sending command “T” to your Arduino.  If you prefer Fahrenheit uncomment line 162 and recompile and upload your changes, though if using my software I support both degree types and do the conversion in the the software.  To make sure everything working (or just to play with your new toy) put your fingers on the chip for a couple seconds and take another measurement unless you keep your house very warm the temperature should go up a couple of degrees


Turning things on and off (Relays)

If you were smart enough to check the current requirements of your Solid State Relays (SSR) before you bought them you may be able to skip this whole circuit and simply hook the digital outputs to the 5V positive side and ground to the negative side of the SSR.

Unfortunately if you are like me and bought some SSRs that require more current draw than the Arduino (or any other IC chip) of 40mA then you will need to create the simple circuit below.


Basic idea is pretty simple, you are using the output from the digital pins to switch of the transistor which then allows the ground to complete the circuit with the thus turning on the relay.  As you can see there is a 1K resistor between the base (middle pin) of the transistor.  If you are not using a SSR relay (though recommend you do) you should add a 1N4004 diode between the positive/negative which protects the transistor from being damaged in case of a high voltage spike which can occur for a fraction of a second when the transistor switched off, this is also known as a back-EMF diode or fly back diode.

Now here you have a couple options.  If you are confident of our wiring skills you can do like I did and take a couple of sockets and hook up the neutral and ground in parallel.  Two save space and since I really didn’t need two separate plug-ins (nor its own plug) for each relay I removed the little metal bar between the two sockets so they could be switched on independently.  Now simply hook up hot to the left side of all your relays in parallel and then connect a wire from the right side of the relay to its own plug on the two sockets.

Now a less wiring intensive method is to simply take a 6 foot (small if you can find them) and cut the hot wire (usually the one with non-smooth wire) and attach each end of the wire to both sides of the relay.

Moisture Sensor

When it comes to a moisture sensor there are a few options.  First is the classic two galvanized nails, second is the cheap gypsum soil moisture sensor which I have written up in the provided link.

If you are using the other options you will need the simple circuit below.  Technically it is a voltage divider, but that doesn’t really matter.  Just hook up one end of your sensor to 5V and other sensor to ground with 10K resistor and also connected to analog pin 0.


My custom PCB solution


I actually started the work to create my own PCB at least a few years back.  Played with if it off and on and finally pulled the trigger to get some boards printed up which I must say was very rewarding and pretty fun experience for just $20-30 of out of pocket cost.  This provides all the circuits I mention above with a bonus circuit to let me know when my water reservoir is running low.  I also installed a Ethernet socket not

I designed this to be an Ardunio which plugs directly on top of the Arduino.  In theory I could stack more functionality on top of if but haven’t though of anything cool to do here yet.

Don’t want to spend 10-20 hours creating your own PCB and then wait 2-3 weeks for it to arrive from Hong Kong?  Well you can do the same thing with a bread board which I show below.

Virtual breadboard layout


If you are new to soldering or have no interest in learning I would definitely recommend this option.  Simply place the components in the holes and make connections with 18 gauge solid copper wire.  You should be able to pick a small breadboard for less than $7.

Various applications

Of course for my application, I am using this to integrate with my custom software solution to control my grow box.  Specifically soil sensor, temperature measurement, heater, lights, exhaust fan, and water pump.  So using the circuit mentioned above I ran the hot wire through each SSR with the remaining wires connected to the plug and eventually gets plugged into the wall.  Then simply hooked up the wire from the Ethernet cables to the low voltage side to turn the switches on/off.  So I would say this is a bit of an improvement over my last attempt…





Last I hooked the arduino up to my PC and used my custom software to control the temperature, water, and provide cool graphs as you can see below.


Sometimes life can get busy and you have limited time to keep an eye on your plants, for these times I also integrated with a custom Windows Phone 8 application which allows me to check the current state of the grow box using life tiles, water remotely (turn on/off lights/heater/fan as well), or even check out a current feed inside the grow box.

007 008

009011  010

Looks at the actual actual grow box…



How to make a grow box controller (Original)

While my existing system was working I decided to make an upgrade to the electronics on my old system for several reasons:

  • I needed to add more automated external controls (heater, fans, water pump) with my existing design this was entirely possible though was starting to get a little clunky.
  • The existing controller (PS2 Controller, parallel port with various wires to control relays) worked but was not exactly compact.
  • Wanted a modular design so if I needed to debug some issue I could simply unplug the USB and power and bring it out of the box in the garage for needed work
  • Ability for others to create so I can share my software without forcing people to hack PS2 controllers to get to work
  • Ability to use components like 1Wire temperature sensors (others to come) and Arduino
  • Just for the fun of it

Well now I have attempted to justify my reasons this is what I used to put the whole thing together:

Parts List

If we had lawyers, they probably would want us to say this:
WARNING: I am not an electrician and do not pretend to be one.  I do not know the specific building electrical codes of your area, so please be sure your wiring is completed under the proper safety code for your area. As always, using high voltage electricity can result in self-electrocution or burn down your house if not done safely so if you are not comfortable doing this wiring please contact a qualified professional.

Putting it all together

On the electronics side overall the circuits are actually pretty simple and if using a breadboard definitely something that could be tackled by a beginner.  Though on the other side since this project is dealing with AC current I definitely would recommend caution (no hands unless power is unplugged) or have someone a little more comfortable with 120/220V help you out.

The Brains

I will be the first to admit that using an Arduino for this application is complete overkill for this application but it gives plenty of room for additions in the future.  For all intensive purposes you could have your grow box completely controlled from the Arduino own processing power though on my case the software and UI is more interesting part to me.  For this reason the Arduino code is actually very “dumb” basically just taking commands via the build in serial through USB and setting digital outputs to HIGH/LOW or reading analog inputs.
Here is the code for your grow box controller:

   1: /*


   2:  * GrowBox Arduino Interface


   3:  *


   4:  * Descriptions: Simple interface to digital and analog controls by passing serial inputs


   5:  *               For example: 


   6:  *                  "A1" to read analog value on pin 1


   7:  *                  "D1H" to set digital pin 1 to HIGH


   8:  */


   9: #include <OneWire.h>




  11: //1-wire


  12: OneWire  ds(8);  // on pin 8


  13: #define BADTEMP -1000




  15: //define unique sensor serial code


  16: byte temperature[8];




  19: #define PIN_VALUE 1          // numeric pin value (0 through 9) for digital output or analog input


  18: #define ACTION_TYPE 0        // 'D' for digtal write, 'A' for analog read


  20: #define DIGITAL_SET_VALUE 2  // Value to write (only used for digital, ignored for analog)




  22: int NUM_OF_ANALOG_READS = 2;


  23: char commandString[20];




  25: void setup()


  26: {


  27:   Serial.begin(9600);




  29:   setOneWireHex();




  31:   // Power control


  32:   for(int i=0; i<=7; i++)


  33:   {


  34:     pinMode(i, OUTPUT);        // sets the digital pins as output


  35:     digitalWrite(i, LOW);      // turn everything off


  36:   }


  37: }




  39: void loop()


  40: {


  41:   readStringFromSerial();




  43:   if (commandString[ACTION_TYPE] != 0)   {


  44:     int pinValue = commandString[PIN_VALUE] - '0';  // Convert char to int




  46:     if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == 'A')


  47:       Serial.println(analogRead(pinValue));


  48:     else if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == 'D') {


  49:       if(commandString[DIGITAL_SET_VALUE] == 'H')


  50:         digitalWrite(pinValue, HIGH);


  51:       else if(commandString[DIGITAL_SET_VALUE] == 'L')


  52:         digitalWrite(pinValue, LOW);




  54:       Serial.println("OK");


  55:     }


  56:     else if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == 'T') {


  57:       float temp = get_temp(temperature);




  59:       Serial.print(temp);


  60:       Serial.println("C");


  61:     }


  62:     else if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == '1') {


  63:       printOneWireHex();


  64:     }


  65:     else if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == 'V')   {


  66:       Serial.println("VERSION_1_0_0_0");


  67:     }


  68:     else if(commandString[ACTION_TYPE] == 'P') {


  69:       Serial.println("PONG");


  70:     }




  72:     // Clean Array


  73:     for (int i=0; i <= 20; i++)


  74:       commandString[i]=0;


  75:   }




  77:   delay(100);  // wait a little time


  78: }






  81: void readStringFromSerial() {


  82:   int i = 0;


  83:   if(Serial.available()) {


  84:     while (Serial.available()) {


  85:       commandString[i] =;


  86:       i++;


  87:     }


  88:   }


  89: }




  91: void setOneWireHex() {


  92:     ds.reset_search();




  94: }




  96: void printOneWireHex() {


  97:   ds.reset_search();


  98:   if ( ! {


  99:     Serial.print("NONE\n");


 100:   }


 101:   else {


 102:     ds.reset_search();




 104:     int sensor = 0;


 105:     while(


 106:     {


 107:       Serial.print("S");


 108:       Serial.print(sensor);


 109:       Serial.print("=");


 110:       for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {


 111:         Serial.print(temperature[i], HEX);


 112:         Serial.print(".");


 113:       }


 114:       Serial.println();


 115:     }


 116:   }




 118:   ds.reset_search();


 119: }




 121: float get_temp(byte* addr)


 122: {


 123:   byte present = 0;


 124:   byte i;


 125:   byte data[12];




 127:   ds.reset();




 129:   ds.write(0x44,1);         // start conversion, with parasite power on at the end




 131:   delay(1000);     // maybe 750ms is enough, maybe not


 132:   // we might do a ds.depower() here, but the reset will take care of it.




 134:   present = ds.reset();




 136:   ds.write(0xBE);         // Read Scratchpad




 138:   for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++) { // we need 9 bytes


 139:     data[i] =;


 140:   }




 142:   int temp;


 143:   float ftemp;


 144:   temp = data[0];      // load all 8 bits of the LSB




 146:   if (data[1] > 0x80){  // sign bit set, temp is negative


 147:     temp = !temp + 1; //two's complement adjustment


 148:     temp = temp * -1; //flip value negative.


 149:   }




 151:   //get hi-rez data


 152:   int cpc;


 153:   int cr = data[6];


 154:   cpc = data[7];




 156:   if (cpc == 0)


 157:     return BADTEMP;




 159:   temp = temp >> 1;  // Truncate by dropping bit zero for hi-rez forumua


 160:   ftemp = temp - (float)0.25 + (cpc - cr)/(float)cpc;


 161:   //end hi-rez data


 162: //  ftemp = ((ftemp * 9) / 5.0) + 32; //C -> F




 164:   return ftemp;


 165: }

Copy and paste the above code into your Arduino software.   For the code above I used the OneHire.h library which is free to use and can be downloaded from here. To be able to use this library simply copy the contents to C:\arduino\hardware\libraries\OneWire. Now you should be able to Compile (CTRL+R) and upload the code to the board (CTRL+U)

Now with the software uploaded you can send some simple serial commands via its built in USB to serial adapter to interact with it.  The interface is are broken up into 1 to 4 character commands, which I will detail below

Command Description
T Returns temperature from One Wire component
D4H Sets digital pin 4 to HIGH (ON) (replace 4 for alternate pin)
D4L Sets digital pin 4 to LOW (OFF) (replace 4 for alternate pin)
A1 Reads analog value from pin 1 (replace 1 for alternate pin)
PING Returns PONG which is used to confirmed controller is online
V Returns version which is some forethought into the PC application being able to support different versions of controller software

Using the build in serial monitor tool in Arduino.exe, my application, or you should be able to control your Arduino with this very simple command based interface

Now you can hook up some LEDs and watch them blink which is fun for a little while but if you want to add some grow box components read on….

Temperature Sensor

As you can see I have fully embraced the circuit schema on the back of a napkin idea.  These are the actual diagrams I crumpled up and stuffed in my pocket with several trips to the garage for some final soldering of various joints until everything was solid.

Below is the simple circuit required to get your 1Wire temperature sensor working.  I would recommend checking your documentation (if not labels on the chip) for the orientation to have 1 and 3 correct, if you have it wrong you should get some complete unrealistic number.  Hook ground up to pin1 on the DS18S20 and pin 2 hooked up to the digital input pin 8 on the Arduino with 5V with a 4.7K resister in between to step down the voltage.

If everything is hooked up correctly you should get the current room temperature in Celsius by sending command “T” to your Arduino.  If you prefer Fahrenheit uncomment line 162 and recompile and upload your changes, though if using my software I support both degree types and do the conversion in the the software.  To make sure everything working (or just to play with your new toy) put your fingers on the chip for a couple seconds and take another measurement unless you keep your house very warm the temperature should go up a couple of degrees


Turning things on and off (Relays)

If you were smart enough to check the current requirements of your Solid State Relays (SSR) before you bought them you may be able to skip this whole circuit and simply hook the digital outputs to the 5V positive side and ground to the negative side of the SSR.

Unfortunately if you are like me and bought some SSRs that require more current draw than the Arduino (or any other IC chip) of 40mA then you will need to create the simple circuit below.


Basic idea is pretty simple, you are using the output from the digital pins to switch of the transistor which then allows the ground to complete the circuit with the thus turning on the relay.  As you can see there is a 1K resistor between the base (middle pin) of the transistor.  If you are not using a SSR relay (though recommend you do) you should add a 1N4004 diode between the positive/negative which protects the transistor from being damaged in case of a high voltage spike which can occur for a fraction of a second when the transistor switched off, this is also known as a back-EMF diode or fly back diode.

Now here you have a couple options.  If you are confident of our wiring skills you can do like I did and take a couple of sockets and hook up the neutral and ground in parallel.  Two save space and since I really didn’t need two separate plug-ins (nor its own plug) for each relay I removed the little metal bar between the two sockets so they could be switched on independently.  Now simply hook up hot to the left side of all your relays in parallel and then connect a wire from the right side of the relay to its own plug on the two sockets.

Now a less wiring intensive method is to simply take a 6 foot (small if you can find them) and cut the hot wire (usually the one with non-smooth wire) and attach each end of the wire to both sides of the relay.

Moisture Sensor

When it comes to a moisture sensor there are a few options.  First is the classic two galvanized nails, second is the cheap gypsum soil moisture sensor which I have written up in the provided link.  Lastly if my personal favorite the Vegetronix soil sensor.

If you use the Vegetronix hookup is simple no circuit needed simply hook up the 5V to red, bare wire to ground, and black to analog pin 1.

If you are using the other options you will need the simple circuit below.  Technically it is a voltage divider, but that doesn’t really matter.  Just hook up one end of your sensor to 5V and other sensor to ground with 10K resistor and also connected to analog pin 0.


Cheap soldered solution


If I could do it over I probably should have just bought a small breadboard.  I did most of my prototyping with my larger breadboard but got cheap when I was at Radio Shack The Shack and just got this prototype board for half the price.

Virtual breadboard layout


If you are new to soldering or have no interest in learning I would definitely recommend this option.  Simply place the components in the holes and make connections with 18 gauge solid copper wire.  You should be able to pick a small breadboard for less than $7.

Various applications

Of course for my application, I am using this to integrate with my custom software solution to control my grow box (will be having private/public beta soon).  Specifically soil sensor, temperature measurement, heater, lights, exhaust fan, and water pump.


Though there is definitely no reason you can use this same setup for other application.

A couple of ideas:

  • Home automation (turn on/off lights, turn on coffee machine)
  • Attic fan
  • Hydroponic system

Going Forward

I would like to convert this into an Arduino shield.  For those new to Arduino I will go with Arduino’s description, “Shields are boards to be mounted on top of the Arduino board and that extend the functionality of Arduino to control different devices, acquire data, etc”
So basic idea is you just plug it into the top the Arduino and hook up a couple wires to some terminal blocks and you have a nice clean solution.  Creating these printed circuit boards get much cheaper the higher the quantity.  I am considering doing a run of these if I get enough interest so if you may be interested in one of these send me a mail in “Contact” in the header.

Tips for Getting Started with Year-Round Gardening


As many of us grow more environmentally conscious and feel an increased concern about exposure to chemicals and toxins, one appealing option for wrestling back control over what goes into our systems is to grow our own fruits and vegetables. However, the steps involved in planting, maintaining, and harvesting a successful crop can feel daunting, especially to those of us who have had trouble keeping household plants alive in the past.

The key to overcoming this anxiety is simple: by employing a few simple techniques, planning ahead and creating a manageable chart of necessary activities, it will be easy to keep your garden blooming year-round.

Step One: Decide What to Plant and When

Because you’re going to be a year-round gardener, any time is a good time to figure out which plants to grow in the coming season. Which ones you choose will be dependent to a large extent on where you live.  Different vegetables thrive at different times of year and in different climates.  Consult your local gardening organization or gardening center for advice concerning which crops are most advisable for your particular location.

Certain hardy crops can be planted as early as February, while warm season crops should generally go into the ground after the last average frost date. By late summer, you can plant crops for your fall garden – these should go in at least two months before you expect the earliest fall frost. Certain crops like garlic and onions can be planted as late as October!  The key is to keep planting throughout the year, so that you can also harvest vegetables year-round.

Step Two: Create a Gardening Chart

Create a gardening calendar with sections for each month of the year. Here is an example of a basic planting guide that was prepared for gardeners in Central Arkansas: Another example focuses less on which vegetables to plant in which month and much more on the activities that are needed to maintain a garden:

A different option is to create a chart with rows for each month and columns for different types of things to do in the garden. For example, you could have a column for planting, another for maintenance activities, and one for harvesting. This means that for April, you could look at column one to see which plants to put in the ground, column two to see how often to water or fertilize them, and column three to check on which plants should be ready to be harvested.

Step Three: Use Techniques That Enable You to Extend the Growing Season

There are many methods of extending the growing season of your garden. Three basic ones that will be discussed here are:

  • Raised bed gardening
  • Planting seeds indoors
  • Plastic-covered tunnels

Other options you might wish to explore include cloches, cold frames, underground greenhouses, and solar-charged hot water bottles.

To begin with, raised bed gardening offers several advantages. In particular, raised beds allow you to extend the gardening season because the soil will warm up earlier, meaning you can start growing crops sooner. Additionally, because the beds are raised off the ground, it is not as difficult to work on the garden in rainy weather. This type of garden also typically offers higher yields and better soil.

Raised bed gardens even require less water and generally contain fewer weeds. You can purchase or build raised beds, or even create them by shaping rectangular mounds of soil a few inches above the ground level so that they are wide enough to reach across. However, make sure to use sufficient mulch to keep the soil in place if it rains heavily.

Next, planting seeds indoors allows you to multiply the number of planting seasons available to you. Instead of winter, spring, summer, and fall, you will have early spring, mid-spring, late spring, summer, early fall, late fall, and winter. By starting the plants inside and only moving them to the garden when other plants are harvested, you can make use of more limited space. The key is having a firm plan for garden layout and crop rotation.

Finally, this technique can be supplemented by using plastic-covered tunnels for mini-greenhouses. Not only will this allow you to plant earlier in the spring, it also provides a place to harden the tender seedlings you have been growing indoors while you are waiting for space to open up in the garden. You can use fence wire to support the tunnels; another option is to use hoops cut from wood, wire, or pipe. In addition, cover the tunnels with blankets or tablecloths when it is especially cold and cut V-shaped vents in the sides in order to improve ventilation.

What vegetables would you like to grow in your garden? Have you had success with year-round gardening in the past?

Since 2000, Chris Long has been a store associate at a Home Depot in Illinois. He also contributes to the Home Depot blog, and provides raised bed garden advice as well as tips on other home landscaping topics.

Free Vegetable Seeds


Free Vegetable Seeds

  • Ask your coworkers: Are any of your coworkers gardeners?  Setup a seed swap at lunch and/or see if they want to go in on a seed order and split up some seed packets for varieties you only need a few seeds.
  • Harvest your own seeds: I typically grow at least one or two cilantro and pea plants to collect seeds from for the next year . Notice your neighbor has some neglected plants going to seed?  Ask if you can get some they may even look at this as free weeding (important part is to ask though)
  • Get seeds from the grocery store: Before putting those vegetables in the compost bin, set the seeds aside to let them dry and you got some free seeds.  The riper the fruit/vegetable the better results you may have on fertility here so shortest time between picking at getting up for sale will yield the best results.  So look for local fruits and vegetables or even better visit your local farmers market.
  • Get free vegetable seeds from the US Government: Have a little experiment or study you want to conduct and report the results on your blog?  Check out the National Plant Germplasm System from the US Department of Agriculture.  Within a database of over 10,000 species of plants you are sure to find some vegetables for your experiments.  Even shipping is included though can be time consuming to find what you are looking for.
  • Check your spice rack: In many cases you can plant seeds from your spice rack.  Just look for words like “raw” anything that has been “roasted” will probably not yield positive results.  Some ideas, mustard seed, dill seed, coriander, poppy seed, celery seed. If your spice rack is lacking you can pay a few cents buy a teaspoon of organic spices in bulk, last time I bought dill seeds got about 100 seeds for $0.05 which is a significant saving over paying $2-3 for an envelope of seeds.
  • Seed swap web sites: Below I have listed a few links where you can share seeds with others. This is a great way to find some heirloom seeds you might not be able to find in stores/seed catalogs. In many cases people will offer seeds for free by just sending a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) Just remember to pay it forward when you come into a plethora of seeds yourself after this years harvest.

If this is all seems like too much effort you can just buy some very inexpensive seeds online where you can check out some of my personal favorites in my “Cheap vegetable seeds” post

Easy Ways to Eat Local


Whether you want to eat local just to know where your food comes from, to support your local farmers, or possibly an environmental perspective of promoting organic farming or going for a challenge of a 100 mile diet, here is a guest post to help you out.

Eating local has tons of benefits. Fresh food, less environmental damage, preserving farm land, supporting local economy, the list goes on and on. So how can you go local in your meal planning? Here are some easy ways that you can give your environment (and your stomach) a little boost.

Join a CSA

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a program which allows individuals to support a farming operation by giving money to farmers upfront in exchange for a weekly box of food. Find CSA farmers on the Local Harvest website. The website also provides information on how to find a CSA program that will best suit you and your families needs. If you live by yourself, split the food with a neighbor or friend.

Preserve Local Food for the Winter

Make a jelly or jam, pickle vegetables, make some applesauce. These are just a few ways that you can preserve your local food for the winter. Go to the National Center for Food Preservation website to learn how to preserve food.

Go to a Farmers’ Market

Rather than going through a “middle man,” like a supermarket, go straight to the source. Farmers’ markets allow you to buy directly from the person who has grown your food. This is also a great way to get involved in your community. Find a farmers’ market near you on the USDA website.

Build a Backyard Garden

Do you have a green thumb? If you haven’t already, you should consider building a fruit and/or vegetable garden in your backyard. Do some research to find some plants that thrive in your region. If you’re less than confidant about your gardening skills, start small with a windowsill herb garden.

So there you have it — several ways to integrate some local eats into your diet. Once you start eating local, you will feel not only closer to your food, but to your community too.

James Kim is a writer for  Food on the Table is a company that provides online budget meal planning services.  Their goal is to help families eat better and save money.